Trace Configuration - Fujitsu MB86R01 Application Note

Jade & greenhills toolchain
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Chapter 5 Trace configuration

5 Trace configuration

The trace data bit width directly effects the trace performance. Because of the limited
number of (four) data bits, the required trace data ´volume can overflow. As a result, the user
will lose some trace data. The user can avoid a FIFO overflow by disabling either the
instruction or the data trace. This can be done in the GHS application.
The trace cell can be configured within the GHS Debugger. Select TimeMachine-
>TraceOptions from the top menu. Then select Target Specific Options to open the Trace
options menu.
A detailled parameter description can be found in the GHS Debugging book in chapter 19
"Collecting and Using Trace data". Here is a small summary:
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