Figure 77. 2" Brass Screw Cut Back To A Total Length Of 1 ¾ Inches; Figure 78. Final Screw With Mounted Spacer - NORCAL NC2030 Manual

Low power, high performance 20m or 30m dc transceiver
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In order to mount the above coil, the nylon nut should be threaded on the coil as shown above with 1/8
inch of threaded coil form in front on the nylon nut. The coil should not be attached to the front panel
until after the PC board is finished and mounted.
Figure 77. 2" brass screw cut back to a total length of 1 ¾ inches.
The brass screw is both too long and has a head that is too large to fit within the ¼" tuning knob. The
head needs to be cut off leaving 1 ¾" length. I used a bolt cutter to cut the screw, but a hacksaw or a
dremel tool cutoff wheel can also be used to do this. The primary goal is to end up with 1 ¼" of brass
screw extending behind the ½" spacer as shown below. The spacer will act like a stop when the PTO
tuning knob is turned completely in (~14.065 MHz on 20m or ~10.098 MHz on 30m).

Figure 78. Final screw with mounted spacer.

The cut end of the screw is hidden in the spacer leaving 1 ¼" of brass screw beyond the spacer. Super
glue is used secure the spacer on the end of the screw. Again, the cut off end needs to be at the end of
the spacer.
We do not want to thread the rough cut end of the screw into the PTO coil form.
If for
some reason you mess this up, True Value hardware stores carry both the 2" 6-32 brass screws and
matching 6-32 threaded ½" aluminum spacers.
The PTO coil assembly will now be set aside until after the main board is mounted into the chassis.
Norcal NC2030 v5
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