Figure 141. Mem + Dit Menu (Par Mem To Advance To The Next Menu Item) - NORCAL NC2030 Manual

Low power, high performance 20m or 30m dc transceiver
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Speed Control and Menu:
Initially the keyer will powerup at a default speed of 16 WPM in paddle speed set mode. The speed can
be adjusted by pressing and holding the mem switch along with the dit switch. Usually I press and hold
{PAH} the mem switch and then tap the dit switch. After 2 seconds, the keyer will send an S (for speed
set). Press the mem switch to advance to the next menu item without changing the speed. Or, pressing
the dit switch will increase the speed by 1 WPM and send a dit. Pressing the dah switch will decrease
the speed by 1 WPM and send a dah. You can continuously adjust the speed by holding either switch
but note that if you run the keyer "off the scale" at either 8 or 49 WPM, the keyer will "wrap around" to
the opposite speed extreme. Exit the speed adjust routine by pressing and releasing the mem switch.
If the pot circuitry is connected AND the P menu is invoked to turn on the pot speed control the speed
can be adjusted by turning the pot. Maximum possible speed is 49 WPM, minimum possible speed is 8
WPM. Note that the minimum speed can be affected by component tolerances on the speed pot and the
capacitor - see the pot calibration menu item if an 8 WPM minimum speed is required. The pot position
is read continuously when the keyer is sending code, just before each dit, dah or space is sent. This
allows the operator to adjust the code speed even in the middle of a memory send or record.
Menu item
Speed set from paddle
Pot / paddle speed control
Calibrate pot speed control
Bug / straight key mode
iambic mode A or B
Reverse paddle mode
Autospace on / off

Figure 141. Mem + dit menu (PAR mem to advance to the next menu item)

P - Select Pot or Paddle speed control:
Allows the keyer to be switched between pot or paddle speed control. The keyer defaults to paddle
speed control.
C - Calibrating the Pot speed control:
Due to the variation in capacitors and pots it is likely that the minimum setting of the pot will result in a
minimum speed higher than 8 WPM. This menu item will compensate and store an updated calibration
value. Before entering the menu, be sure to turn the pot to the minimum speed. Then press the dit to go
into the calibration routine - then one or more dits will be sent after a short delay and the keyer will exit
from the menu. If the pot calibration is run with the pot not set at the minimum, rerun the cal with the
pot correctly set. Pressing a Dah will restore the default powerup calibration value.
B - Bug / Straight-key mode:
Dits are sent normally but dahs are sent like a straight key.
pressing a dit:
increases speed by 1 WPM
selects pot speed control
enters the calibration routine
enables bug mode (dah = key)
enables iambic mode A
reverse dit and dah switches
turns on character autospace
Norcal NC2030 v5
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pressing a dah:
decreases speed by 1 WPM
selects paddle speed control
restores default pot calibration
disables bug mode (default)
enables mode B (default
return dit and dah to normal
turns off autospace (default)


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