Reporting Safety Defects To The United States Government - Chevrolet 1995 Corvette Owner's Manual

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We prefer you utilize the Customer Satisfaction
Procedure before you resort to AUTO LINE, but you
may contact the BBB at any time. The BBB will attempt
to resolve the complaint serving as an intermediary
between you and Chevrolet. If this mediation is
unsuccessful, an informal hearing will be scheduled
where eligible customers may present their case to an
impartial third-party arbitrator.
The arbitrator will make a decision which you may
accept or reject. If you accept the decision, GM will be
bound by that decision. The entire dispute resolution
procedure should ordinarily take about forty days from
the time you file a claim until a decision is made.
Some state laws may require you to use this program
before filing a claim with a state-run arbitration program
or in the courts. For further information, contact the
BBB at 1-800-955-5 100 or the Chevrolet Customer
Assistance Center at 1-800-222- 1020.
If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could
cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should
immediately inform the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA), in addition to
notifying General Motors.
If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an
investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in
a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy
campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved
in individual problems between you, your dealer, or
General Motors.
To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety
Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393 (or 366-0123 in the
Washington, D.C. area) or write to:
NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, D.C. 20590
You can also obtain other information about motor
vehicle safety from the Hotline.


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