Johnson Controls Frick PowerPac Installation Operation & Maintenance page 18

Packaged chiller units
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170.600-IOM (JUN 11)
Page 18
Sold To: _______________________________________ Contact Name:__________________________
End User: ______________________________________ Contact Name:__________________________ Phone:__________________
End User Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Fax No:__________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________ Start-up Representative _________________
Unit Model # ___________________________________________ Customer Package Identification # _________________________
Compressor Serial # _____________________________________ Separator National Board # ________________________________
Unit Serial # ____________________________________________ Oil Cooler National Board # _______________________________
Evaporator National Board # _______ Serial # _______________ Condenser National Board # ________ Serial # _______________
Oil Pot National Board # _________________________________ H.P. Receiver National Board # ______
Economizer National Board # _____________________________ Suction Accumulator National Board # ______________________
Refrigerant ______________ Oil Filters ________________ Lube Oil Type _________
Oil Cooling _____________________________________
Micro Type ________________________ Program Software Ver # _______ and Date __________ UL Serial # __________________
Digital I/O Board #1 Serial # _________________________________ Software Ver # __________ and Date ____________________
Digital I/O Board #2 Serial # _________________________________ Software Ver # __________ and Date ____________________
Analog Board #1 Serial # ____________________________________ Software Ver # __________ and Date ____________________
Analog Board #2 Serial # ____________________________________ Software Ver # __________ and Date ____________________
Manufacturer __________________________ Part # ___________________ Model # ______________________
Starter Type ____________________________ Serial # _________________________
Input Voltage ______________ Voltage Range ___________ Phase _____________ Hz _____________ Current ____________
Output Voltage ________ Phase ________ Hz _______ Max FLA ________Max LRA ______ Min Load FLA ____ Job FLA _____
Logic Board Serial # __________________ U33 Prog. Ver. ________ Date ___________P/N ________________________
Harmonic Filter Serial # ___________________ Prog. Ver. ________ Date ___________P/N ________________________
Frick Interface Serial # ____________________ Prog. Ver. ________ Date ___________P/N ________________________
CT Location Checked
CT Phase ______ CT Ratio ______ Transition Time _________ DBS Ver.# _____________
Pump Mfg. ___________ Model # _________ Serial # ________________ Motor Mfg. _____________ H.P. ________________
Motor RPM __________ Service Factor ______ Volt _______ HZ ______ FLA _____ Design ____ Code _____ Starter Size ______
Motor HP ______ RPM _________ Service Factor ___________ Volt _______ Hz _________ FLA _______ Cooling Fans _______
Installation, Foundation
Position of all valves
Proper oil charge
All wiring connections
Starter Cleanliness
All micro settings
4-20 CT Channel 16 Setup
4-20 Output Calibration – Liquid Makeup Valve, Coolant Temp Valve, Economizer Makeup Valve
Mode 1 _____________
Mode 2 _____________
Mode 3 _____________
Mode 4 _____________
VFD Hi & Low PI Control
Screen Saver
Start-up Report
Unit General Information
Micro Information
Compressor Motor Starter / Drive Information
U34 Prog. Ver. ________ Date ___________P/N ________________________
U45 Prog. Ver. ________ Date ___________P/N ________________________
Oil Pump Information
Cooling Fan Information
Special Options
Prestart Checks
Compressor PHD Setup
Motor PHD Setup
Motor Winding RTD's Setup
Motor Bearing RTD's Setup
Motor Temperature Thermistor Setup
4-20 Motor Drive Signal Calibrated
Cold alignment
Compressor ______________
Pump ______________
Dual Pump ______________
Refrigerant __________ k-Factor _________
Filter ___________________________
PowerPac ____________
Frick Order No: ________________________
Design Operating Conditions
Suct. / _________
Coolant Installed
4-20 Coolant Loop Pump Setup
Coolant Loop Temp Setup
Cooling Fan Motor I/O Setup
Cooling Fan Rotation Checked
Oil pump motor rotation
Motor rotation
Drive ___________________________


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