Meter Switcher Module; Function; Circuitry - Pacific Research BMX-III-18 Operation And Technical Manual

Broadcast console
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Pressing the External STUDIO-1 button will cause a high output from U16C to U21A, which will drive
transistor Q3 to pull down the Talk to Studio-1 control bus. The high output of U16C is also routed
to relay K4A, which connects the External audio signal to the TALK TO STUDIO-1 mix bus.
Pressing the External STUDIO-2 button will cause a high output from U16D to U21B, which will drive
transistor Q4 to pull down the Talk to Studio-2 control bus. The high output of U16D is also routed
to relay K4B, which connects the External audio signal to the TALK TO STUDIO-2 mix bus.
Pressing the External CONTROL ROOM button will cause a high output from U16E to relay K5, which
will route the External audio signal to the TALK TO CONTROL ROOM mix bus. The high output
of U16E also is connected to transistor Q5, which pulls the TALK C/R BUS low.
Any of the Microphone Input Modules can Talk to the External location. This is accomplished by that
module pulling down the TALK EXT CONTROL BUS, causing the output of U16F, which is routed
to U21C, to go high. The high output of U21C drives transistor Q6, which pulls down the remote TALK
EXT CMD line. The Microphone Input Module which pulled down the Talk to External control bus
also applies audio to the Talk to External audio bus. Any signals on that bus are summed and inverted
by amplifiers U6B and U6A. These amplifiers provide a balanced push-pull output to the TALK TO
EXTERNAL terminals. The gain of this output stage is set by the front panel EXTERNAL OUTPUT
gain trim control.


4.12.1 Function

The Meter Switcher Module drives the AUXILIARY meters in the BMX III meter panel. This module
also provides switchable metering facilities for the AUDITION and UTILITY outputs in the smaller
mainframe sizes. The unassigned inputs may be used to meter user determined external sources.
The module automatically defaults from the selected status whenever a CUE or SOLO button is engaged
on any module. The AUXILIARY meters will then display the nominal operating level at the CUE or
SOLO point selected. This enables quick input level check when displaying CUE, and very convenient
level lineup when displaying SOLO. The SOLO metering function eliminates the need to use one of
the main output buses for preview and level setting.
NOTE: SOLO or CUE metering priority may be set by means of an internal option switch (reference
Section 2.9.8).

4.12.2 Circuitry

The signal path for the manual selector to the AUXILIARY meters is through the normally closed
contacts of meter relay K1.
When a console module is placed in the CUE or SOLO mode, the Control Room Monitor Module routes
the appropriate CUE or SOLO stereo signal and logic command to the Meter Switcher Module. The


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