Assem Blyof The Free Fall Helix - SpaceraiL Spacewarp Level 9.1 Instruction Manual

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Assembly of the free fall helix
In sta lla tio n o f th e fre e
fa ll h e lix
1. A ttach spacer [C3] to the shaft
(fg. 12-1, 12-8). Insert the
shaft incl. spacer and shaft
[S3] Shaft 300m m
cap [C4] into the elev ator
cov er (fg. 12-1)
2. Slide the elev ator (10 pcs)
onto the shaft (fg. 12-2)
3. Insert 3 further 300m m shafts
into the ex act pre-defned
positions on the gearbox
(fg. 12-3)
4. Allow the 3 shafts to snap into
place (pic. 12-4). T ake care
that the elev ator rings are
properly located. See fg. 12-9
for the proper locations of the
elev ator rings
5. Insert the 4 shafts into the
elev ator cov er (fg. 12-5).
T ake care that the shafts are
properly located
6. Now attach rail stands [A 6] to
the elev ator ring (fg. 12-6)
7. Insert the elev ator stand (E4)
into the ring (fg. 12-7)
[C 3] Space r
[C 4] Sh aft cap
M ak e su re co n v e x re d p arts p o in t u p
an d e v e ry th in g is co rre ctly se ate d
Ple a se n o te th e co rre ct d ire ctio n
o f ro ta tio n
[A 6] Rail stand
12- 7
[E4] Elev ator stand
[E2] Aufzugring
[E2] Elev ator ring
[A 6] Rail stand
[S3] Shaft 300m m
[S3] Shaft 300m m
T ak e care th at th e
e le v ato r rin g s are
p ro p e rly lo cate d
(fg . 12-9, p ictu re
sh o w s a scale
o f 1:1 )
T ak e care th at
th e sp ace r [C 3] is
p ro p e rly lo cate d
(fg . 12-8, p ictu re
sh o w s a scale
o f 1:1 )
[A 6] Rail stand

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