Lifting And Carrying In/Out; Specifications - EBARA GS Instruction Manual

End suction volute pumps
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3. Lifting and carrying in/out

To carrying the pump/ pump set (with motor and common base) suspend it from the lifting tackes as
shown below:
Fig.2 Lifting and carrying in/out the pump (dashed line) or pump set (solid line)

4 Specifications

GS/GSD pump is a hydraulic part of device that moves liquid by physical or mechanical action and is of
end suction own bearings. GS pump complies with EN733 dimensions.
Application: Agriculture, Fire-Fighting, Building, Water supply etc.
Check on the nameplate the total head, capacity, the pump speed as well as the nominal voltage and
current of motor. Other specifications are on Table 1.
P um p M odel
P ol e
Tem perature
Li qui d
M ax. O perati ng P ressure
Fl ange Standard
M ateri al
C asi ng R i ng
Shaft Sl eeve
W ei ght
D ri ve
A ccessori es
W i th M otor
Locati on
Table 1 Standard specifications
D ensi ty
V i scosi ty
I m pel l er
Shaft Seal
M echani cal Seal / G l and P acki ng
B eari ng
Shi el d B al l B eari ng (G rease Lubri cati on)
C asi ng
I m pel l er
O -R i ng
El ectri c M otor
B are Shaft
2 P ol es / 4 P ol es
0℃ to 80℃
To be di scused each ti m e
U p to 16B ar (1. 6M P a)
C l osed
A N SI B 16. 1 (O pti onal EN P N 16)
C ast I ron
C ast I ron
Stai nl ess Steel
B ronze
Stai nl ess Steel
N B R / EP D M (O pti on)
P l ease refer to C atal ogue
/ Engi ne
B ase
C oupl i ng
C oupl i ng G uard
I ndoor / O utdoor
- 7 -
M echani cal Seal
El ectri c M otor

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