Aga-Rayburn Coalbrookdale Little Wenlock Gas Power Flue Installation And Servicing Instructions page 19

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Ensure that all doors and windows of the room are
Light the stove as described. Leave on maximum rate for
5 minutes.
If there is a fan in a nearby room then the spillage test
must be repeated with the fan turned on and any
interconnecting doors between the stove and the fan
location left open.
A spillage test as detailed in BS. 5440 must be carried out
after 5 minutes as follows:- By holding a smoke match so
that match head is approximately 3mm up inside the
lower edge of the draught diverter (See Fig. 28). Spillage
is indicated by smoke being displaced outwards from the
draught diverter. If in doubt repeat after a further 10
If spillage is detected the fan may be faulty. The fault
must be corrected before leaving the stove installed.
if the fault cannot be corrected turn off and disconnect
the gas supply to the stove and seek expert advice.
FIG. 28
Hand over all the instructions to the user and explain how
to light and operate the appliance.
Impress upon the user that the coals must be located in
accordance with the instructions and that the appliance
MUST NOT be operated with the stove door open or if
the glass is cracked or broken. The appliance should be
serviced at regular intervals by a competent person to
ensure safe operation.
Point out the removable warning label which the
customer must remove and read.
Advise the user that any smell emitted from the stove on
initial lighting will quickly clear away with use.
The door tools must be stored in a safe place out of the
reach of children.
DESN 511314


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