Plug-In Accessories; Valet Switch And Status Led Eg-1200; Information And Programming Module Eg-1600; Atv - Omega Research & Development Excalibur Gold ATV Series Comprehensive Installer Technical Manual

Table of Contents


Wiring Connections - Plug-In Accessories


& EG-1400
Install the Valet Switch and Status LED into the
included combination holder and mount the holder under
the dash using the two screws provided. Or, if desired, the
Valet Switch and Status LED may be mounted separately
by using the adhesive on back of the Valet Switch and
drilling a 9/32" inch hole for the Status LED. If the LED
is to also be mounted separately, select an easily-seen
location (usually on the dash-small, empty panels for
optional equipment, if present, are preferred) and care-
fully drill a 9/32" inch hole after checking for obstruc-
tions and the necessary clearance behind the panel (about
1/2"). Route the Valet Switch Blue and Status LED White
connectors to the control module and plug into the appro-
priate ports.
This module is designed to be mounted on the windshield in view of the driver, and contains the Digital Status Indicator, the Visual Deterrent LED, and
the Valet Switch. The Information and Programming Module also contains the system's receiver section, and mounting high on the windshield enhances the
transmitter's operating range. Carefully clean the glass in the mounting area, then adhere the module to the glass. Plug one 5-way connector into the Information
and Programming Module, route the harness to, and plug the remaining 5-way connector into, the main control module.
This port allows direct connection of the Omega Pager to the security system control module. The Omega Pager unit features include the identification
of which zone activated the system, and the replication of the system's confirmation siren chirps (or horn honks). The Omega Pager includes the wiring harness
for direct connection to the security system, and complete installation and operating instructions.
Excalibur Gold ATV security systems feature dual plug-in ports for the electronic sensor devices, which enhances the effectiveness of the system. These
ports are dual-zoned: the first zone will respond by honking the horn (or chirping the optional siren) only; and the second zone will fully trigger, the system.
These ports supply constant 12 volt power, grounded output when the system is armed, a negative instant trigger, and a negative prewarn trigger. Most Omega
Research and Development, Inc. sensors will plug directly into the control module. Sensors are available that monitor shock to the vehicle and radar sensors
that can detect moving objects inside and outside the vehicle. When adding a sensor, follow the installation instructions included with the sensor. After
installing, route the harness and connector from the sensor to the security system control module. Plug the sensor's connector into either one of the module's
The upper half of the
combination holder may
be mounted with the two
screws provided, or,
double-sided adhesive
tape may be used.
Page 23
Insert the Status LED into
Then, when the upper half
the remaining round
holder is secured, insert
opening. Route the two
Valet Switch into its
connectors to the system's
bracket. Snap the combi-
control unit and plug the
nation holder bottom half
into their respective ports.
to the upper half.

Plug-In Accessories


Table of Contents

Table of Contents