Pin-Code Override; Pin-Code Override Example - Gemini 953 Installation And Use Manual

Alarm system
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If you cannot disarm the system from the remote control or with the electronic
key (remotes are lost or broken or batteries are flat), you will be able to disarm
the system by using the PIN override procedure. Override PIN code is entered
by means of ignition key.
For security reasons, we recommend that you change the PIN code from the
factory default setting
1-1-1-1 (s
ee chapter 10). It can be set to any number
between 1 and 9.
To override the system:
Trigger an alarm condition s soon as the alarm ceases, the status
; a
turn ON steady for approx. 5
While the LED is ON steady, turn ignition key "ON" and then "OFF"
If the ignition key stays in the "ON" position for more than 5", the system
will interpret the situation as a theft attempt and therefore trigger another
The status
will turn OFF to confirm the system is in disarm mode.
4" after
the LED has turned OFF, it will start flashing a series of 9 blinks
At the number of flashes equal to the PIN CODE 1st digit, turn ignition key
ON and OFF. This will confirm the entered digit
After 4", the LED will flash again 9 times
When the number of flashes is equal to the PIN-CODE 2nd digit, turn
ignition key ON and OFF
epeat the above steps for the remaining two digits
If the code has been entered correctly, the system will disarm and indicate
the last cause of alarm as indicated in paragraph 4.11 "System disarming
with alarm memory"
If the LED blinks more than 9 times, the procedure will be invalidated and
considered a theft attempt.
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To help you understand the override procedure by PIN-CODE, here below is a
step-by-step example entering PIN-CODE 2-3-4-1.
Arm the system, wait for the end of pre-arm time and then generate an
alarm condition.
Key "ON"
When the alarm condition ceases, the status LED turns ON steady for
approx. 5". While the LED is ON, turn ignition key "ON" and "OFF"; the
LED will turn OFF to confirm the system is in PIN CODE disarm mode.
LED steady
Key "ON"
ON for
approx. 5"
The LED will start blinking 4" after turning OFF. Count the flashes and turn
ignition key "ON" and "OFF" when the number of flashes
equals the PIN-CODE 1st digit (in this case '2').
After 4" the LED will start blinking again.
Count 3 blinks (3rd digit) and turn ignition key "ON" and "OFF".
4 sec
4 sec.
1 digit: "2"
"ON" "OFF"
After another 4" the LED will blink again. Turn ignition key "ON" and "OFF"
when the number of flashes equals the other 2 digits (4 and 1).
4 sec
3 digit
: "4"
If the PIN CODE has been entered correctly, the alarm system will disarm
and indicate the last cause of alarm.
Key "OFF"
Alarm condition
Key "OFF"
confirm override
2 digit
: "3"
4 sec.
4 digit
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