W&T 58620 Manual page 77

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A2.2 Update des AT-Kommando-Interpreters
The update of the command interpreter can be done through
the serial port or over the network.
A2.2.1 ... via the serial interface
For this the LAN-Modem must have a serial connection to a ter-
minal program whose transmission parameters are configured
as follows:
Baud rate:
Data format:
The command AT** is used to place the LAN-Modem in serial
update mode, which is acknowledged with the following
MB90F562 bootloader v1.x W&T xx/xxxx
Invoked by software, ESC to cancel
Waiting (Port 0)...
The update mode is protected with a timeout of 30s. If no
data are transmitted within this time, the LAN-Modem
automatically resumes normal operating mode.
The function Send text file of the terminal program can now be
used to sent the mhx-file with the current firmware. The LAN-
Modem sends a continuous byte counter during the
transmission and returns the message OK after successful
completion of the update. The new firmware version can now
be checked using the command AT13.
You cannot use the binary data transmission function
offered by terminal programs, since this uses additional
protocols such as ZModem or Kermit.
Subject to error and alteration
same as the LAN-Modem
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
RTS/CTS (required)


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