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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 61

Nelsons navy kit


Ground Tackle
The Fish Davit:
The fish davit is made from 5x5mm walnut. Using Plan Sheet 4 for reference, make up the fish davit as shown. Two holes
(one each end) of 0.65mm should be drilled into one face of the fish davit approximately 22mm from either end, taking care
not to drill all the way through the fish davit. Paint two copper eyelets (275) matt (metal) black and secure them into these
holes; these form the 'topping lift' eyebolts on the now upper face of the fish davit. Drill two further holes of 0.5mm fore and
aft (i.e. running at right angles to the copper eyelets), this time all the way through the fish davit, at a distance of approximately
18mm from either end. Using a length of 0.25mm black thread, rig the hand ropes through these holes to form one continuous
loop. Overhand knots should also be tied into the hand rope at 8mm intervals.
Four further copper eyelets (two for each side) should be painted matt (metal) black. These eyelets are to be drilled and fitted
centrally into the main capping rail, one close behind each fish davit cleat and one directly behind each forecastle capping step
(down through the davit cleats).
The fish davit should now be laid across the davit cleats, centrally and with the 'topping lift' eyebolts to the top, and secured
there with 0.5mm black thread rigged between these topping lift eyebolts and the pair of eyelets on the capping rail, to form a
'triangular' strop, with all rigging passing over the fish davit (Photo 048).
The Anchors:
Identify the cast metal bower anchors (255 x 2), sheet anchor (255 x 1, identical to the bowers), kedge anchor (257 x 1), bower
& sheet anchor palms (256 x 6) and kedge anchor palms (258 x 2). Glue the palms centrally to their respective anchors and
paint each assembly matt (metal) black. Identify the bower and sheet anchor stocks (95) from the 3mm walnut sheet and the
kedge anchor stocks (142) from the 2mm walnut sheet. The stocks should be glued around the head of their respective anchors,
centrally at the 'square' section. The anchor stock hoops are formed from cartridge paper, these should be 1.5mm wide for the
bowers and sheet, 1mm wide for the kedge anchor. The anchor rings for the bowers and sheet are formed from 1mm brass
wire, wrapped around a 6mm piece of dowel and trimmed to form a continuous ring. The puddening is formed from 0.25mm
black thread. The anchor ring for the kedge is formed in a similar manner from 0.75mm wire wrapped around a 4mm piece of
dowel and the puddening is formed from 0.1mm natural thread painted / stained dull black when in place. The head of the
anchors must be drilled to accept the anchor rings.
Fig 021
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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