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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 37

Nelsons navy kit


Glue together the crosstrees and trestletrees as shown. The 'notch' in the trestletrees is a locator for the fid of the topmast when
fitted and should be toward the front of the assembly, similarly the profiled areas of the trestletrees should face inboard.
When complete, glue the crosstree and trestletree assembly to the underside of the top platform.
At this stage, put the lower mast and top assembly to one side; do not glue them to one another.
The Main Topmast
The main topmast is assembled from 8mm dowel. In a similar manner to the lower mast, mark an octagon on the top of the
topmast. Using a pencil, mark down the complete length of the dowel all eight lines parallel to each other. Hold the pencil in a
normal manner between thumb and forefinger and using your middle finger as a guide, draw down the mast. This is a simple
method which becomes very efficient and accurate with a little practise. With the eight lines drawn down the mast, draw the
octagon to the base of the mast also. These lines will enable you to easily carve each of the octagonal areas onto the mast in-
line with each other.
Using Plan Sheet 3 for reference, make up the topmast to the dimensions given.
Note: Take care in drilling the locating hole for the fid through the square section as shown, as this will be fitted into the notch
on the main top trestletrees and if drilled at the wrong height will make correct alignment of the mast impossible. Beware not
to fit the fid at this stage or the topmast will not pass through the cap. All fids are made from 1.5x1.5mm walnut to a length of
5mm longer than the width of their respective mast.
The first 8mm from the base of the top mast is a 4.5mm octagon, the next 14mm should be 4.5mm square, followed by another
4.5mm octagonal section for 33mm. From the top of this octagonal section, through a length of 110mm, the mast should be
tapered from 4.5mm round down to 3mm round.
The octagon at the top of this round section is tapered from a diameter of 3mm to a diameter of 4.5mm along a length of
The remaining top 20mm of the mast is 3mm square.
Identify the main topmast trestletrees (120) and main topmast crosstrees (177) and, referring to Plan Sheet 3, 'Main topmast
top', assemble the topmast top as shown.
The Main Topgallant Mast
The main topgallant mast is assembled from 6mm dowel. Using Plan Sheet 3 for reference, make up the topgallant mast to the
dimensions given.
Mark the octagons and squares onto the mast as described previously, taking care that they are all in-line. Take care also with
the positioning of the fid.
With all three sections of the foremast constructed, the mast as a whole can be assembled.
Starting with the lower mast, referring to Plan Sheet 3 mark the positions and fit the mast wooldings, as previously described.
Identify the main mast cap (35) and main topmast cap (83), noting that the main topmast cap has been produced in two halves.
Dry fit the main top and main mast cap to the lower mast. Do not secure. Now dry fit the topmast, up through the cap, insert
the fid and position it into its locating notches on the trestletrees. Dry fit the topmast top, topmast cap and topgallant mast in a
similar manner. None of the individual components (lower mast, topmast, topgallant mast, caps & tops) should be glued to one
another at this stage.
With everything dry fitted together, manoeuvre the topmast to run parallel and in-line vertically with the lower mast, at the
same time, the lower top should remain parallel to the keel, i.e. not perpendicular to the mast. When you are happy with the
alignment, glue the lower mast, lower top, cap, fid & topmast securely in position.
This process should be repeated with the topmast, topmast top, cap, fid and topgallant mast.
With the assembly complete, attach the bolsters, of 3x3mm walnut sanded or filed to quarter rounds as shown, to the lower top
and the bolsters, of 2x2mm walnut sanded or filed to quarter rounds as shown, to the topmast top.
Using a length of 0.5x3mm walnut, cut to 0.5x1mm to simulate the battens, attach these battens to the top square section on the
lower mast as shown (ensure the mast banding, of cartridge paper, as shown on Plan Sheet 3, has been applied first). Also,
secure the jeer block strop cleats (126) to the sides.
Finally locate and fit the mast truck (189).
Note: A 0.5mm hole, to simulate a sheave, should be drilled fore and aft through the main topgallant mast, at a distance of
5mm below the hounds (top octagonal section), this will be required when rigging the main topgallant yard tie.
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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