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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 45

Nelsons navy kit


Tackle Pendants:
Only one pair of tackle pendants is required and only to the main mast.
The tackle pendants are from 0.5mm black thread. Lead the pendant up through the main top lubber's hole, pass it round the
back of the lower mast head and back down through the lubber's hole, opposite side. The pendants hang down 41mm below
the top, (level with the catharpins when fitted) and a 5mm single block is seized into each end.
Note: The lubber's hole is the hole in the top (through which the lower mast head passes).
Lower Mast Shrouds:
Shrouds are next to be set-up and a formal sequence must be adhered to. Forward starboard, forward port alternating. The main
lower mast shrouds are from 1mm black thread, as shown on Plan Sheet 6 together with the appropriate deadeye sizes (The
deadeyes are attached to the channels as shown on Plan Sheet 1, 'Hull detail'). Roughly measure out the length of the first
pair of shrouds and rig one end with the appropriate size deadeye. The upper and lower deadeyes need to be correctly and
uniformly spaced. The spacing for the lower mast deadeyes should be 15mm. A small jig can be made as follows, cut two
lengths of 1mm wire approximately 35mm long, bend 10mm from each end to an angle of 90 degrees. This should leave 15mm
between each end. A similar jig can be made (in different size material) for different size blocks. One end of the jig can be
slotted into the middle hole of the lower deadeye with the other end into the middle hole of the shroud deadeye. Thread the
loose end of the shroud up through the main top lubber's hole around the mast, back down through the main top lubber's hole
(same side) and down to the second deadeye. Insert a loose deadeye into the second spacing jig with the other end of the jig in
the corresponding deadeye. The loose end of the shroud should then be wrapped around the deadeye with 0.25mm black
thread. Tie the pair of shrouds together near the tops, with a simple clove hitch, using 0.25mm black thread and then push the
knot up to the bolster. Rig the lanyards (cable laid) to the deadeyes using 0.5mm natural thread as shown on Plan Sheet 6,
'Rigging detail'. Continue this procedure until all the lower mast shrouds have been set up, bearing in mind that the shrouds
will need to be cut to a longer length as you progress.
Note: The Main backstay is set up as a shroud as shown on Plan Sheet 6. They (port and starboard) are formed from a single
piece of 1mm black thread which passes up through the lubber's hole, round the back of the lower mast head and back down
through the lubber's hole, opposite side. Deadeyes set up with 15mm spacing as per the shrouds.
There is a futtock stave to each of the main lower shrouds, mizzen lower shrouds and main topmast shrouds. These are cut
from 0.75mm brass (320) to the length of the spread of the shrouds at the position to which they are to be tied using 0.25mm
black thread, as shown on Plan Sheet 6. Tie each shroud to the futtock stave with a simple clove hitch.
Note: The futtock stave is positioned across the shrouds at a distance as far below the 'top' as the mast cap is above the 'top'
as shown on Plan Sheet 6, 'Shroud, futtock stave & catharpin assembly'.
The main lower mast port futtock stave is lashed to the opposite (starboard) futtock stave by ropes called catharpins as follows:
There are 3 catharpins from 0.25mm black thread. They are positioned between the 2nd and 3rd, 4th and 5th, and the 6th and
7th (main backstay) shrouds.
The mizzen lower mast shrouds are set up in the same way as the main lower mast shrouds but from 0.75mm black thread.
Again the upper and lower deadeyes should be uniformly spaced but with a 12mm jig. The lanyards are rigged (cable laid)
from 0.25mm natural.
Note: It is imperative that the mizzen shrouds are passed through the mizzen shroud pinrail (188) when being rigged. Leave
the pinrail loose until the shrouds have been set up at which time it can be permanently positioned directly above the position
where the lanyards have been secured to the shroud.
The mizzen futtock stave is cut from 0.75mm brass to the length of the spread of the shrouds at the position to which they are
to be tied using 0.25mm black thread, as shown on Plan Sheet 6. Tie each shroud to the futtock stave with a simple clove
(Similarly to the seventh main shroud, the fourth mizzen shroud is actually the mizzen backstay).
Futtock Shrouds:
Identify the 2.5mm deadeyes and futtock strops (221). Insert a deadeye into each strop and position the strops into the slots as
shown on Plan Sheet 6, 'Fitting of deadeye futtock strops'. The futtock strops are attached to the futtock staves by the futtock
shrouds and small brass etched rigging hooks (217), as shown. The futtock shrouds are 0.75mm black thread for the main mast
and 0.5mm black thread for the mizzen.
Note: The main mast futtock shrouds are secured to the futtock stave between the 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd, 3rd and 4th, and
5th and 6th lower mast shrouds.
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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