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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 29

Nelsons navy kit


The Sweep Ports
Identify the sweep port hinges (235), to be painted matt (metal) black (ideally before removing from the sheet), the sweep port
lids are from 0.5x3mm walnut strip. Try to use one single length of walnut strip when constructing the lids in order to prevent
shade changes in the finished result.
Do not cut the lid length from the walnut strip (approximately 3.75mm upon completion) but cut a manageable length of
around 100mm. Cut a painted hinge from the sheet and, where possible, keep the 'legs' of the hinge joined by the sprue to help
prevent the hinge deforming.
Note: 9 port hinges and 9 starboard hinges are required as shown (Fig 004).
Taking great care to position the hinge centrally, glue it into position on the end of the walnut strip using cyano, noting that the
back face of the hinge is stepped to allow contact between the hinge and the hull when fitted. Once dry, cut the sweep port lid
from the length of walnut (approximately 3.75mm long).
With the 18 lids completed, using Plan Sheet 1, 'Hull detail' for reference, mark the locations of the sweep ports onto the hull.
There are three methods for fitting the sweep ports as follows: (Photo 032 & Photo 033)
To fit the sweep port lids in the open position:
Drill and fit one brass eyelet (210), painted matt (metal) black, to the centre of the inboard face of each sweep port lid. This
inboard face should be painted red ochre but leaving the outboard face and edges natural.
Mark the locations of the sweep ports onto the hull and cut a rectangular hole, approximately 2.5mm high by 3.25mm long,
through the ships side. Upon completion, the sills/linings of these openings should be painted red ochre. Drill a pair of 0.5mm
holes just forward of each port opening in the hull to accommodate the 'legs' of the hinge such that the lid is central. The 'legs'
of the hinge, after removing the sprue, can now be glued into these holes using cyano.
To fit the sweep port lids in the closed position (method 1):
Drill and fit one brass eyelet (210), painted matt (metal) black, to the centre of the inboard face of each sweep port lid. This
inboard face should also be painted red ochre but leaving the outboard face and edges natural.
Mark the locations of the sweep ports onto the hull and cut a rectangular hole, approximately 2.5mm high by 3.25mm long,
through the ships side. Upon completion, the sills/linings of these openings should be painted red ochre. The lids can now be
glued into position to completely cover the sweep port openings, after removal of both the sprue and the 'legs', but taking care
not to remove the hinge.
To fit the sweep port lids in the closed position (method 2):
Mark the locations of the sweep ports onto the hull and, without drilling an opening through the hull, simply glue the lids with
hinges into position, after removal of both the sprue and the 'legs', but taking care not to remove the hinge.
Photo 032
Photo 033
The Scuppers
Identify and, after painting matt (metal) black, remove the scuppers (211) from the brass etched sheet. Using Plan Sheet 1,
'Hull detail' for reference, glue the scuppers into position with cyano. When dry, the area inside the scupper can be painted
dull black to simulate a hole.
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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