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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 58

Nelsons navy kit


The Crossjack Yard:
The crossjack yard braces (one each side) are of 0.25mm natural thread.
Note: It is important to realise that the braces will pass forward and cross each other i.e. port brace to starboard shroud and
starboard brace to port shroud.
Referring to Plan Sheet 8, the standing part of the starboard brace is made fast to the port main backstay (7th shroud), at a
height level with the crossjack. The running end passes aft and through the starboard 5mm single block held on a pendant
(55mm long) on the end of the crossjack. It now passes back and through a 5mm single block lashed to the port backstay (7th
shroud), positioned 15mm below the standing end of the brace. From here the running end passes down and through a 0.5mm
hole (sheave) drilled fore and aft through the port main deck timberhead (aft) (36) where it is belayed (b38). The port brace is
mirrored in the same manner.
The Mizzen Topmast and Topgallant Yards:
The mizzen topmast and topgallant yard braces will be rigged with the driver gaff.
The driver boom and driver gaff should now be fitted as follows.
The Driver Gaff:
Referring to Plan Sheet 4, make up the driver gaff as shown including the copper eyelet at the throat of the gaff jaws (139) and
a 3mm single block lashed to the gaff approximately 25mm from the end. To the driver gaff, seize one 3mm single block to the
copper eyelet at the throat of the gaff jaws using 0.25mm black thread as shown on Plan Sheet 7, noting that the falls (for the
throat halyard) of 0.5mm natural thread are rigged into the crown of this block at the same time.
The driver gaff is secured to the mast with 8 parrel beads, on 0.25mm black thread.
A 3mm double block is seized to a copper eyelet on the starboard trestletree as shown (Fig 010), the throat halyard (standing
end currently in the crown of the 3mm single block at the throat of the gaff) can now be set up as follows. The running end
passes up and through the port sheave of the 3mm double block on the trestletree, back down and through the 3mm block at
the throat, back up again and through the starboard sheave of the double block. From here the running end passes down,
starboard side, and through a 0.75mm hole (sheave) passing fore and aft through the starboard quarterdeck kevel where it is
belayed. (b39)
The gaff topping lift is of 0.5mm natural thread. There are two 3mm single blocks lashed to the mizzen mast head, the first is
positioned directly under the cap, the second is positioned half way between the cap and the mizzen top, both to the aft of the
mast. The standing end of the gaff topping lift is made fast to the driver gaff as shown (Fig 019) approximately 12mm from the
end of the gaff. It then passes through the 3mm single block lashed directly under the mizzen mast cap, back down and through
the 3mm single block lashed 25mm from the end of the gaff, back up and through the second 3mm single block on the mizzen
mast head (between the cap and the top). From here the running end passes down through the hole in the top (directly aft and
central of the after crosstree, and leads to deck where it is belayed to the quarterdeck breastrail (b40).
A pair of 3mm single blocks held in a span are put over the end of the driver gaff next (for the mizzen topmast yard braces),
the blocks should be held approximately 6mm from the gaff.
The mizzen topmast yard braces (one each side) are now rigged of 0.25mm natural thread. The standing ends can now be made
fast to the end of the driver gaff, behind the 3mm blocks in a span. The running ends then reeves through the 3mm single brace
blocks held in a pendant (33mm long) on the end of the mizzen topmast yard and back down, through the two (one per side)
3mm single blocks held in a span to the end of the driver gaff. They then belay to the forward belaying pins (one each side) of
the quarterdeck pinrail (b41).
A pair of 3mm single blocks are now held in a span around the end of the driver gaff (for the mizzen topgallant yard brace), the
blocks should be held approximately 5mm from the gaff.
The mizzen topgallant yard braces (one each side) are now rigged of 0.1mm natural thread. The standing ends can now be
made fast to the end of the driver gaff, behind the 3mm blocks in a span. The running ends then reeves through the 3mm single
brace blocks held in a pendant (20mm long) on the end of the mizzen topgallant yard and back down, through the two (one per
side) 3mm single blocks held in a span to the end of the driver gaff. They then belay to the second belaying pins (one each
side) of the quarterdeck pinrail (b42).
The vang pendants of 0.5mm black thread are now rigged. Measure the length of thread required (approximately 100mm total).
At the centre of the vang, throw a clove hitch over the end of the driver gaff. Seize a 3mm single block into each end
(approximately 43mm from the end of the driver gaff), the falls of 0.25mm natural thread are also rigged into the arse of these
blocks at the same time. A 3mm single block is attached with a large rigging hook to the outboard copper eyelets positioned in
the taffrail capping as shown on Plan Sheet 7, 'Inner face of stern fascia'. A tackle is set up between these blocks and the
running end belays to the aftermost pins of the quarterdeck pinrail (b43).
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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