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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 48

Nelsons navy kit


The Mizzen Topmast Backstay:
The mizzen topmast backstay is of 0.5mm black thread. Using Plan Sheet 6 for reference, the mizzen topmast backstay is set
up in a similar fashion to the shrouds using two 3mm deadeyes, one seized into the end of the backstay, the other hooked with
a small rigging hook (217) into a copper eyelet, painted matt (metal) black, positioned 5mm aft of the foremost cabin light as
shown. The deadeyes should be spaced with a 12mm jig and rigged with a 0.25mm natural lanyard. The backstay passes round
the back of the mizzen topmast head, between the second and third crosstrees and down to an identical arrangement on the
opposite side.
The Mizzen Topgallant Mast Backstay:
The mizzen topgallant mast backstay is of 0.25mm black thread. Using Plan Sheet 6 for reference the mizzen topgallant mast
backstay is set up in a similar fashion to the mizzen topmast backstay using two 3mm deadeyes, one seized into the end of the
backstay, the other rigged with a small rigging hook (217) into a copper eyelet, painted matt (metal) black, positioned 7mm
forward of the aftermost cabin light as shown. The deadeyes should be spaced with a 12mm jig and rigged with a 0.1mm
natural lanyard. The backstay passes round the topgallant mast head as shown and down to an identical arrangement on the
opposite side.
The Main Topmast Breast Backstay:
The main topmast breast backstay is of 0.75mm black thread. Using Plan Sheet 6 as reference, seize a 3mm deadeye into the
lower end of the stay. It is set up in the same manner as a shroud to another 3mm deadeye in the main channel (fore) (spaced
with a 12mm jig) in a chainplate with a 0.1mm natural lanyard. It then leads up outside the main lower mast top and round the
back of the topmast head, between the second and third crosstrees and back down to an identical arrangement on the opposite
The Main Topmast Running Backstays:
Referring to Plan Sheet 6, the main topmast running backstay is of 0.75mm black thread. It is set up in the same way as the
Main Topmast Breast Backstay, with a 0.1mm natural lanyard, to the foremost 3mm deadeye of the main channel (aft).
The Main Topmast Backstay:
Referring to Plan Sheet 6, the main topmast backstay is of 0.75mm black thread. It is set up in the same way as the Main
Topmast Breast Backstay, with a 0.1mm natural lanyard, to the aftermost 3mm deadeye of the main channel (aft).
The Bowsprit Shrouds:
The bowsprit shrouds are of 0.5mm black thread. There are two shrouds (one either side) made up using 5mm deadeyes and
arranged as shown on Plan Sheet 6. The standing end is tied into the copper eyelet in the hull as shown and a lanyard of
0.25mm natural thread, with a 15mm jig used to separate the deadeyes.
The Bobstays:
There are two bobstays each of 0.5mm black thread. They are set up in a similar manner to the bowsprit shrouds also using
5mm deadeyes. They are tied off through the holes in the stem as shown on Plan Sheet 6. Again the deadeyes are separated
using a 15mm jig and have a 0.25mm natural lanyard.
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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