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Jotika HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 Manual page 59

Nelsons navy kit


Fig 019
Rigging sequences for the driver boom.
The Driver Boom:
Referring to Plan Sheet 4, make up the driver boom as shown.
The driver boom jaws (93) are held in place by parral beads and the driver boom saddle.
Use 5 parral beads secured in position with 0.25mm black thread.
The guy pendants of 0.25mm black thread go over the end of the driver boom first in a similar manner to the driver gaff vang
pendants, using a clove hitch as shown (Fig 020). Seize a 3mm single block into each end (approximately 15mm from the end
of the driver boom), the falls of 0.1mm natural thread are also rigged into the arse of these blocks at the same time. A 3mm
single block is attached with a large rigging hook to the inboard copper eyelets (one each side) positioned in the taffrail
capping as shown on Plan Sheet 7, 'Inner face of stern fascia', a tackle is set up between these blocks and the running ends
belay to the aftermost cleats in the quarterdeck inner bulwark (b44). The boom itself should be positioned off centre to the port
side to allow the ensign staff to be shipped.
The toping lift of 0.5mm natural thread is now put over the end of the driver boom. It runs upwards and forwards through a
3mm single block lashed to the mizzen mast, close under the mizzen top, on a short 3mm pendant. The running end now passes
down, travelling towards the port quarterdeck kevel and has a 3mm double block seized into its end, approximately 100mm
below the mizzen top. A 3mm single block with a large rigging hook is hooked into a copper eyelet on the aft of the port
mizzen channel as shown on Plan Sheet 9, the falls of 0.25mm natural thread are also seized into the crown of this block at the
same time. A tackle is now set up between these two blocks and the running end passes through a 1mm hole drilled fore and aft
through the port quarterdeck kevel where it is belayed (b45). A small span of 0.1mm natural thread is now rigged between the
boom and the topping lift; it is positioned 50mm from the end of the driver and is secured to the topping lift approximately
40mm from the standing end of the topping lift.
The ensign staff and jack staff should now be shipped.
2004 JoTiKa Ltd.



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