Maintenance; Inspection Of The Protective Magnesium Anode; Measurement Of The Protective Magnesium Anode Wear - Nibe BA-ST 9022 - 2FE Installation And Operating Manual

Hot water storage tank with two coils
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The isolated protecti ve anode earth conductor must be
connected to the steel components of the storage tank
(top bott om of the tank). Otherwise, the tank will not be
protected against corrosion.
In order to eliminate any odour of hydrogen sulphide
(caused by bacteria in the oxygen defi cient water), we
recommend observing the periodic cleaning of the tank
and replacement of the anode and, in additi on periodi-
cally increase the hot water temperature in tank to pre-
vent bacterial growth.
In the systems with the electric heati ng unit, ensure that
the electrical installati on is properly protected by protec-
ti ve circuit.
Limit the setpoints of the heati ng medium temperature
controllers in the storage tank supply lines to 80 °C in or-
der to avoid triggering of the thermal cut-off in the elec-
tric heati ng module.
In order to reduce the possibility of scalding by the water,
we recommended to set the water heati ng temperature
in the storage tank (of both the heati ng unit and the coil)
so, that it does not exceed 60 °C. This will also help to
extend the life of the storage tank.
Report any malfuncti ons in the storage tank operati on to
the authorized service centres. You can fi nd the complete
list of our authorized service centres at our website.
It is forbidden to:
acti vate the heati ng medium circuit or electric heati ng
unit if the tank is not fi lled with water
use the storage tank, if you fi nd any malfuncti on of the
safety valve
install any device (such as cut-off and/or check valves,
etc.) between the storage tank and the safety valve (ex-
cept T-pipes)
make any unauthorized repairs
stop water leaks from the safety valve
when heati ng with only the electric unit, the coil circuits
may not be isolated


Periodic inspecti ons and maintenance are the conditi ons of
conti nuous operati onal readiness, reliability and a long servi-
ce life of the product.
Maintenance acti viti es include the following:
routi ne inspecti ons and replacement of the protecti ve
magnesium anode
cleaning of the storage tank
Check the safety valve performance as specifi ed by the
valve manufacturer periodically (min. every 14 days) or
before each start-up of the heater aft er decommissio-
5.1 Inspecti on of the Protecti ve Magnesium Anode
Storage tanks with two coils of BA-ST Series are, in order to
protect them against corrosion, coated inside with ceramic
enamel and in additi on, protected with isolated protecti ve
magnesium anode. The anode corrodes fi rst under normal
operati on, thus protecti ng the storage tank jacket. Therefore,
you have to inspect its conditi on from ti me to ti me. Corrosion
rate of the protecti ve anode is diff erent and depends upon
the quality of water in the area. We recommend checking the
protecti ve anode conditi on once a year in order to ensure
opti mum corrosion protecti on.
Hot Water Storage Tank with Two Coils
BA-ST 9022/9100 - 2FE
Informati on
The use of the isolated anode allows you to monitor the
degree of wear of the anode by measuring the intensity
of the protecti ng direct current without having to remo-
ve it and empty the tank (interrupti ng operati on of the
storage tank). This soluti on simplifi es operati on and ad-
diti onally contributes to the reliability and long lifeti me.
Fig. 10 Insulated protecti ve magnesium anode
5.2 Measurement of the Protecti ve Magnesium Anode Wear
In order to check the degree of wear of the anode, do the
following (see Fig. 11):
1. Remove the housing cover together with thermal insulati on.
2. Disconnect the connecti ng conductor (protecti ve) from
the storage tank top head.
3. Connect an electric meter (range in mA) between the
protecti ve conductor and the M5 threaded pin and me-
asure the intensity of the protecti ve direct current.
Intensity of the protecti ve direct current should not be lower
than 0.3 mA at full storage tank. If it is too low, remove the
anode and check its wear visually. If the anode is signifi cantly
corroded (above 50 % loss), replace it immediately. Connect
the anode protecti ve conductor to the tank aft er the measu-
If the current intensity measurements do not indicate
any wear of the anode, its max operati ng ti me is not
longer than 18 months. The anode should be replaced
aft er this ti me.
Fig. 11 Measurement of the protecti ve direct current intensity
0,3 mA
M5 pin

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