JMC JIMMY 1993 Owner's Manual page 211

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A patch of dense fog may extend only for
a few
feet (meters) or for
(kilometers); you can't really
tell while you're in it. You can only treat the
situation with extreme care.
One common fog condition-sometimes called mist or ground
happen in weather that seems perfect, especially at night or
in the early
morning in valley and low, marshy areas. You can
be suddenly enveloped in
thick, wet haze that may even coat your windshield. You can often
spot these
fog patches or mist layers with your headlights. But sometimes they can be
waiting for you as you come over a hill or dip into a shallow valley. Start
your windshield wipers and washer,
to help clear accumulated road dirt. Slow
down carefully.
Tips on Driving in Fog
If you get caught
in fog, turn your headlights on low beam, even in daytime.
You'll see-and be seen-better. Use your fog lights
if your vehicle has them.
Don't use your high beams. The light
will bounce
off the water droplets that
make up fog and reflect back at you.
Use your defogger.
In high humidity, even a light buildup of moisture on the
inside of the glass will cut down on your already limited visibility.
Run your
windshield wipers and washer occasionally. Moisture can build up on the
outside glass, and what seems
to be fog may actually be moisture on the
outside of your windshield.
Treat dense fog as an emergency.
to find a place to pull
off the road. Of
course you want to respect another's property, but you might need
to put


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