To Change Dhw Loop Priority Versus Ch Loop - Ace Heating Solutions Atlas A050 Operating And Maintenance Manual

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Select Sensor only for DHW demand from selected DHW modulation sensor
Select DHW (S6) Switch for DHW demand from DHW switch (switch replaces the DHW sensor) When sensor
input is shorted burner demand exist outlet sensor will provide the temperature control
Select STAT Terminal for DHW demand from STAT input
Select Auto DHW (S6) or sensor only for DHW demand from DHW switch and DHW sensor

5-3.3 To Change DHW Loop Priority Versus CH Loop

DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
(Default: DHW > CH)
Select CH > DHW for no priority over CH loop
Select DHW > CH for priority over CH loop
This parameters determines the priority of DHW vs. the CH call-for heat, when both of these are enabled and active.
(If DHW has a lower priority, it may be boosted to the highest priority temporarily via the DHW Priority Time
5-3.4 To Change DHW Loop Priority Time
DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
Type in desired time. No limits on this parameter.
If this parameter is non-zero then a DHW demand will take priority over other demand sources for the specified time.
If this persists for longer than this time the priority will expire. The timer is reset when demand from the DHW source
turns off.
5-3.5 To Change DHW Loop Setpoint
DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
Type in desired temperature between 32 F and 240 F (0 C and 115 C)
This Setpoint is used whenever the time-of-day switch is off or not connected (unused).
5-3.6 To Change DHW Loop Time Of Day Setpoint
DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
(Default: 100 F)
Type in desired temperature between 32 F and 240 F (0 C and 115 C)
This Setpoint is used when the time-of-day switch is on.
5-3.7 To Change DHW Loop Off Hysteresis
DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
Type in desired temperature between 2 F and 30 F (1 C and 16 C)
The on hysteresis is subtracted from the DHW Setpoint to determine the temperature at which DHW demand turns
5-3.8 To Change DHW Loop On Hysteresis
DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
Type in desired temperature between 2 F and 30 F (1 C and 16 C)
The off hysteresis is added to the DHW Setpoint to determine the temperature at which DHW demand turns off.
5-3.9 To Change The DHW Hysteresis Step Time
DHW – Domestic Hot Water Configuration
(Default: 0m0s)
Type in desired time between 0 to 5 minutes
The time needed for one step of hysteresis shift, when the off hysteresis threshold or on hysteresis threshold is shifted
due to a burner-on or burner-off event, respectively. Zero disables this function.
DHW Priority vs CH Textbox
DHW Override Priority Time Textbox (Default: 5m 0s)
Setpoint Textbox (Default: 120 F)
Time of Day Setpoint Textbox
On Hysteresis Textbox (Default: 7 F)
Off Hysteresis Textbox (Default: 7 F)
Hysteresis Step Time Textbox
Rev 2.1

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