Audi RS 5 Cabriolet 2013 Owner's Manual page 124

Table of Contents


Dr iv ing Safel y
The head restraints must be correctly adjust-
ed to achieve the best protection.
... Adjust the head restra ints so the upper edge
is as even as possible with the top of your
that is not possib le, try to adj ust
the head restraint so that it is as close to
t his position as possible
¢ fig. 135 .
Adju sting head rest raints ¢
page 64 .
All seats are equipped with head re-
straints . Driving without head restraints or
w ith head restra ints that are not proper ly
adjusted increases the risk of serious or fa-
tal neck injury dramat ically . To help reduce
the risk of inj ury:
- Always drive with the head restraints in
place and proper ly adjusted .
- Every person in the veh icle must have a
properly adj usted head restra int.
- Always make sure each person in the ve-
hicle properly adjusts the ir head re-
straint. Adju st the head restraints so the
upper edge is as even as possib le wit h
the top of your head. If that is not possi-
ble, try to adjust the head restra int so
that it is as close to this position as pos-
- Never attempt to adjust head rest raint
wh ile driving. If you have driven off and
must adjust t he dr iver headrest for any
reason, first stop the vehicle safely be-
fore attempting to adjust the head re-
- Children must always be properly re-
strained in a child restraint that is appro-
pr iate for their age and size ¢
page 158.
Examples of improper seating positions
The occupant restraint system can only re-
duce the risk of injury if vehicle occupants are
properly seated.
I mproper seating positions can cause serio us
inju ry or death . Safety belts can on ly work
when they are properly positioned on the
body. Improper seating positions reduce the
effectiveness of safety belts and wi ll even in-
crease the risk of injury and death by moving
the safety belt to crit ical areas of the body.
Imprope r seating positions also increase the
risk of serious inju ry and death when an air-
bag deploys and str ikes an occupant w ho is
not in the proper seating posit ion . A dr iver is
responsible f or the safety of all vehicl e occu-
pants and especially for child ren. Theref ore:
... Never allow anyone t o assume an incor rect
seating position when t he vehicle is being
used ¢ & .
The following bullet ins list only some sample
positions t hat will increase the risk of serious
injury and deat h. Our hope is that t hese exam-
ples will make you more aware of seat ing po-
sitions t hat are dangerous.
Therefore , whenever the vehicle is
- never sta nd up in t he vehicle
- never stand on the seats
- never kneel on the seats
- never ride wit h t he seatback reclined
- never lie down on the rear seat
- never lean up against the instrument panel
- never sit on the edge of t he seat
- never sit sideways
- never lean out the window
- never put your feet out the window
- never put your feet on the instrument panel
- never rest your feet on the seat cushion or
back of the seat
- never ride in the footwell
- never ride in the cargo area
Imp roper seating posit ions increase the
risk of serious persona l injury and death
whenever a vehicle is being used.
- Always make sure that all vehicle occu-
pants stay in a proper seating position
and are properly restrained whenever the
veh icle is being used.


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