Safety Guidelines; Maintenance; Creosote; Free Of Creosote - Masport F2101 Owners & Installation Manual

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During constant use, ashes should be re-
moved every few days.
Safety Precautions
1) Do not allow ashes to build up to the
loading doors! Only remove ashes when
the fire has died down. Even then, expect
to find a few hot embers.
2) Please take care to prevent the build-up of
ash around the start-up air housing locat-
ed inside the stove box, under the loading
door lip.
1) Never use gasoline, gasoline type lantern
fuels, kerosene, charcoal lighter fuel, or
similar liquids to start or 'freshen up' a fire
in your heater. Keep all such liquids well
away from the heater while it is in use.
2) Keep the door closed during operation and
maintain all seals in good condition.
3) Do not burn any quantities of paper, gar-
bage, and never burn flammable fluids
such as gasoline, naptha or engine oil in
your stove.
4) If you have smoke detectors, prevent
smoke spillage as this may set off a false
5) Do not overfire heater. If the chimney
connector, flue baffle or the stove top
begin to glow, you are overfiring. Stop
adding fuel and close the draft control.
Overfiring can cause extensive damage to
your stove including warpage and prema-
ture steel corrosion. Overfiring will void
your warranty.
6) Do not permit creosote or soot build-up in
the chimney system. Check and clean
chimney at regular intervals. Failure to do
so can result in a serious chimney fire.
7) Your Masport stove can be very hot. You
may be seriously burned if you touch the
stove while it is operating, keep children,
clothing and furniture away. Warn children
of the burn hazard.
8) The stove consumes air while operating,
provide adequate ventilation with an air
duct or open a window while the stove is in
9) Do not connect this unit to a chimney flue
serving another appliance.
10) Do not use grates or andirons or other
methods for supporting fuel. Burn directly
Masport Freestanding Woodstove
on the bricks.
11) Open the draft control fully for 10 to 15
seconds prior to slowly opening the door
when refuelling the fire.
12) Do not connect your unit to any air distribu-
tion duct.
13) Your woodstove should burn dry, standard
firewood only.
The use of cut lumber,
plywood, "mill ends", etc. is discouraged as
this fuel can easily overheat your wood-
stove. Evidence of excessive overheating
will void your warranty. As well, a large
portion of sawmill waste is chemically treat-
ed lumber, which is illegal to burn in many
areas. Salt drift wood and chemically treat-
ed fire logs also must not be burned in your
14) Do not store any fuel closer than 2 feet from
your unit. Do not place wood, paper, furni-
ture, drapes or other combustibles near the
15) WARNING: Do not operate without ei-
ther the Ash Plug properly seated or the
Ash Dump Plates screwed
excessive temperatures will result.
16) Do not operate with broken glazing.


It is very important to carefully maintain your
fireplace stove, including burning seasoned
wood and maintaining a clean stove and chim-
ney system. Have the chimney cleaned before
the burning season and as necessary during
the season, as creosote deposits may build up
rapidly. Moving parts of your stove require no


When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar
and other organic vapours, which when com-
bined with moisture, form creosote. The creo-
sote vapours condense in the relatively cool
chimney flue of a slow burning fire. As a result,
creosote residue accumulates on the flue lin-
ing. When ignited, this creosote can result in an
extremely hot fire.
WARNING: Things to remember in case of
a chimney fire:
1. Close all draft and damper controls.
Ways to Prevent and Keep Unit

Free of Creosote

1) Burn stove with the draft control wide
open for about 10-15 minutes every morn-
ing during burning season.
2) Burn stove with draft control wide open for
about 10 - 15 minutes every time you
apply fresh wood. This allows the wood to
achieve the charcoal stage faster and
burns up any unburned gas vapours which
might otherwise be deposited within the
3) Only burn seasoned wood! Avoid burn-
ing wet or green wood. Seasoned wood
has been dried at least one year.
4) A small hot fire is preferable to a large
smouldering one that can deposit creo-
sote within the system.
5) Check the chimney at least twice a month
during the burning season for creosote
6) Have chimney system and unit cleaned
by competent chimney sweeps twice a
year during the first year of use and at
least once a year thereafter or when a
significant layer of creosote has accu-
in place,
mulated (3 mm/1/8" or more) it should
be removed to reduce the risk of a
chimney fire.
The gold electroplated finish on the door
requires little maintenance, and need only be
cleaned with a damp cloth. DO NOT use
abrasive materials or chemical cleaners, as
they may harm the finish and void the warran-


The door latch may require adjustment as the
door gasket material compresses after a few
fires. Removal of the spacer washer, shown
in the diagram below, will allow the latch to be
moved closer to the door frame, causing a
tighter seal. Remove and replace the nuts,
washer and spacer as shown.


If the door gasket requires replacement 7/8"

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