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Sending / Reading Configuration - Kipp & Zonen LOGBOX SD Instruction Manual


For SD memory card there is one more window. If you want to use SD card for data
storage it is necessary to check Use SD Card box. Otherwise, data logger will not
communicate with SD card. This option is usable when the user has no SD card or
wants to use data logger only for short time logging and need faster response from
data logger.
Physical writing period to SD card is selectable. Reasonable time is 1 minute for 10
second logging interval or 1 hour for longer than 1 minute logging interval. The
logging file is not closed after the write interval to allow more data to be added in
the same file.
Finally, it is necessary to setup file closing interval. Most usable interval is 24 hours,
which generates one file per day. This will close the current file and start a new one.
14.8 Sending or reading the entire configuration.

