Buffalo Surveillance Server Administrator's Manual page 316

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Buffalo Surveillance Server
Boosting a term
AND, &&
NOT, !, -
Boolean operators
You can also use range searches with
non-date fields. For example, title:
{accounting TO sarbanes}. Will find all
files whose titles are between
accounting and sarbanes, but not
including accounting and sarbanes.
Boosting enables you to control the
relevance of a document by boosting the
value of the specific term you are
searching for. To boost a term, use ^ (the
caret symbol) with a boost factor (a
number) at the end of the term you are
searching for. The higher the boost factor
number, the more relevant the returned
term will be. By default, the boost factor
is 1. Although the boost factor must be
positive, it can be less than 1 (for
example, 0.2).
For example, if you are searching for
corporate compliance and you want the
term compliance to be more relevant,
boost it using ^ along with the boost
factor next to the term. You would type
the following: corporate compliance^4.
This will make documents with the term
compliance appear on the list as more
relevant. You can also boost phrase
terms by enclosing a phrase in quotation
marks. For example, "corporate
compliance"^4 "Second Quarter
Boolean operators allow terms to be
combined through logic operators. AND,
+, OR, NOT and - are supported as
Boolean operators.
Boolean operators must be ALL


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Table of Contents