Buffalo Surveillance Server Administrator's Manual page 307

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Following are all of the wildcard operators you can use when creating file or directory filters or
carrying out file searches. The wildcard operators below will not work for content searching.
Any single character in
a name
Zero or more characters
in a name
? Substitutes for any single character
and can be combined to denote
multiple characters. If used in a
pathname, it cannot replace a forward
slash (/). Use ? for specific alternative
spellings. ? substitutes for a single
character; ?? substitutes for two
characters; ??? substitutes for three
characters, and so on. Only names with
characters equal to the number of ? used
are processed. For example, cell?
substitutes for all names containing cell+
<one additional character>.
For example, cells and cello but not cell.
You can use ? within or at the end of a
phrase. For example, .xl? substitutes for
only names containing .xl+<a third
character>, such as .xls, .xlr, and so on;
wom?n substitutes for only names
containing wom+<a third character>+n,
such as woman or women; carbon fib??
substitutes for only names containing
carbon fib+<two characters>, such as
carbon fiber or carbon fibre.
* Substitutes for zero or more
characters. Can be used in truncation
and for multiple characters. If used in a
pathname, it cannot replace a forward
slash (/). Use * for all possible alternative
spellings and an unlimited number of
characters within a name.


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