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Kenmore 141.157902 Owner's Manual page 23

Liquid propane gas grill


Smok_g gives food a distinctive, delicious flavor. This
y QUiCk and versatile cookingmethod exp_r_s
creative che£s menu w_ endless new andinnevatbe
ways to prepare popular barbecue dishes.
Preparing to Smoke
need for smoking on _r
Kenmore Elite gas
g_ is a _king
pan and roas_g
reck_ First, Jinethe
inside of the pan with foil. The smoking agent, either
pu_ w_
chi_ or _.mok_g mix,is sprinkJed over the
foiL Otted herbs and spices may also be added to
produce different flavors° Piece the c_ing
direct|y over the burner. Me di_
heat w_l!eventu_y
produce smoke and season the food. Devote your
food above _e cooking pan w_h a roa_t_ng t_k or
baking tacit.
You can reduce the strength of the smoke flavor by
onmysmokir_g for haft or three quarters of 5he cooking
time then roost your f_
until done. The he_t
_equ_redfor smoking _snormam_y l ow to medium.
Foods naturally high in oils lend themselves well to
smok_g_ whi_edrier foods ben_
from a marinade.
Red meats. _ltry,
game. f_sh a_d seafood can aUbe
smoked easily in _ur
new grill You can a{sorub the
food with h_s.
sp_cesor flavored o_s- An enormous
a_ray of foods can be smoked in your Kenm_e
gas grittto produce stunning results with very li_e
effort. Here 8to a few suggestions:
Tuna steaks, marinated in Asian f_avors of
sesame oil, soy sauce _nd s_rry.
Pork fll|ets, nabbed with ginger, orange find and
brushed with maple syrup.
Mussels. brushed with lemo_ rind a_ chiJi oil.
Lamb c_tlets, marinated in virgin otive eli, lemon.
oreg_n_ _nd b_eck pepper. The s4_mem_fi_ade
can be used for a whole _eg or rack of lamb,
This met_h_ ,ofcookir_g _spoputar around the wedd
_d can _ easily accomplLshed outdoors _ your
Kenmore E[t_ gas grill, its a qu_k and
of: preparing a complete meal _sing meat, po_[try or
seafood ininfinite Combinationsw_ other
_ikevegetables, rice _ noodl_°
Preparing to Stir-fry
Al_ough _ is possible to stt fry _n other _ishes, _e
best tool |ts high .sides enable the cook to
s_r food _thout sp[i_ge° its co_s_'_ct_
you to
quk_PJyat h_h temperatures, with instant control
of heat _ich
is essen_J_ for successfu! s_t fr_r_.
Food pre_ion
S4ice meat and pou/_ _ntoiongth_ns_ips and cube
fish fi[_e_. Remove a_lfat from meat _d pc,J_tryand
cut large v_etab_es _to even s].i_ orcubes,
Marinate f_s
for extr_ flavor a_
Marinating times wi_ vary for red me_, fish and
v_rio_s cuts. Less terser cuts Of mea_ should
mari_ate_ I_r.
to a_wa_ _i_ mafina_
foodin the refd_8_r
pdor to_ing
SLir-fnymeats, _ttry
or f_sh first. Ne×t, add h_rd
vegetables !_kecarrots: Then cent_nue w_th sof_r
vegetables _ik, e sn_wpe_ and peppers: To _s_re
even c-ookJr_g, _ntir_JaJty s_r and toss the food in t_
_s}ng a wooden spoon or spatuta
Piece _e wok directly over a high heat on your #fill Add
enlyasma_l amount of f(>3d_a t_\me__su_e_t_ok_g
a_d also to allow the wok to reheat between ing_ed_nts.
,, Chic_en_ bone!ess chicken pieces
sliced breasts
Fish, sli_
if#ere of fi_m fish, assoded seafoo_
such _ _wns,
scollops and _lamari
• Pork, si_d
5ilets, diced or minc_
po_k, sl_ced
_eg steak, sliced _ops
Beef, sliced fi_tet, rib-eye_ round_ rump_ sidoin
Lamb, sliced r_tet, to,and, Ioin

