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Troubleshooting - ADURO Hybrid How To Connect


Revision date: 25.10.2023
Enter Wi-Fi password and press "Continue". The stove will now try to connect to the Wi-Fi:
If the connection was successful, the following screen will appear. To finish the setup, press the "Finish and
Swap to [Your Wi-Fi name]" button. The main screen will then appear with the stove that has been
connected showing:


Wi-Fi is not showing up:
If the Wi-Fi does not show up in the list of available networks, this can be caused by several errors:
Wi-Fi name: Wi-Fi names containing special characters (! & % etc.) and spaces can cause issues as
the stove cannot always recognize these. We recommend trying to change the Wi-Fi name to
something simple and max 10 characters, like "mywifi", to see if this is the cause.
Make sure a 2.4 GHz network is available: The stoves network module can only work with a 2.4 GHz
connection. Many newer network routers might only produce a 5 GHz signal as standard and need
to have the 2.4 GHz signal activated. Other routers might produce separate signals, look for one
labeled with 2.4 GHz.
Make sure the router and stove are turned on.
Restart the router and stove: Sometimes a simple restart is all that is needed to refresh the system.

