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Pylontech Victron & US5000 Manual page 14


none of the capacity and greatly improves the stability of the system.
The battery won't charge to 100%
Also see the question above. The state of charge of the battery is estimated based on the overall
voltage and on how well balanced the internal cells are. Because we cap the battery voltage at 52.4V,
the state of charge will sometimes rise very slowly once it reaches the mid-90s. This is normal and
usually resolves over time.
'Internal Error' shown on battery status
The 'Internal Error' shown in battery status is not a critical error. This only defines that within a
battery system, some of the slave batteries are offline(which is due to these modules have been
discharged to an extremely low SOC or being in idle mode for more than 72hrs), once the system is
available for a charging activity such an error will be automatically eliminated.
'High voltage' warning or alarm shown on battery status
The 'high voltage' warning or alarm is not unusual on new batteries that are not yet balanced. To help
the batteries balance quickly, keep the batteries fully charged until the errors go away. In an ESS
system, set it to 'keep batteries charged', in an off-grid system the fastest way is to either charge /
balance the battery before installation, or to fully charge with a generator if not enough solar is
available to keep the batteries fully charged.
If you are unable to maintain the target voltage to balance the batteries without the 'high voltage'
alarm occurring, you may need to enable and set the "Limit managed battery charge voltage" setting
in the DVCC menu of the GX device. Reduce this voltage as necessary until the alarm stops. After
sufficient time to balance the batteries, try increasing this value until it can be disabled again for
normal operation.
If it is not possible to raise the voltage over time, and eventually disable this manual override:
1: If you have 2 or more batteries in your system, you can try shutting down the system once it is as
Printed on 2023-07-07 22:31

