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Safety Information - BRP 912 Series Operator's Manual

Rotax engine


1.4) Safety information

Use for intended
Page 1-10
Ed.4/January 01 2023
Non-compliance can result in serious injuries or death!
Never fly the aircraft equipped with this engine at locations, air
speeds, altitudes or in other situations which do not allow a success-
ful no-power landing after sudden engine stoppage.
• This engine is not suitable for acrobatics (inverted flight,
etc.). Flight attitudes outside the permissible limits are not
• This engine has exclusively been developed and tested for
gyrocopter, pusher and tractor applications. In case of any
other usage, the OEM is responsible for testing and the cor-
rect function of the engine.
• It should be clearly understood that the choice, selection and
use of this particular engine on any aircraft is at the sole dis-
cretion and responsibility of the aircraft manufacturer, assem-
bler and owner/user.
• Due to the varying designs, equipment and types of aircraft,
BRP-Rotax grants no warranty on the suitability of its en-
gine's use on any particular aircraft. Further, BRP-Rotax
grants no warranty on this engine's suitability with any other
part, components or system which may be selected by the
aircraft manufacturer, assembler or user for aircraft
Non-compliance can result in serious injuries or death!
For each use of DAY VFR, NIGHT VFR or IFR in an aircraft the ap-
plicable legal requirements and other existing regulations must be
• Certain areas, altitudes and conditions present greater risk
than others. The engine may require humidity or dust/sand
preventative equipment, or additional maintenance may be
• You should be aware that any engine may seize or stall at
any time. This could lead to a crash landing and possible se-
vere injury or death. For this reason, we recommend strict
compliance with the maintenance and operation and any ad-
ditional information which may be given to you by your
adhered to.
Effectivity: 912 Series
Rev. 1



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