Data Log Manager - Labgear DAT103 Operating Manual

Dvb-t signal analyzer
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Advertisement Channel plan creating
To create a new channel plan in auto mode, supply signal to the RF input of the
Analyzer, select position of the plan in the table and press F3. If required, set an AMP
power supply voltage in the screen that appears, as described in section 4.3.8, and then
press F3/Exit. After the Analyzer has completed scanning all the channels of the channel
template, it will switch to channel plan editing mode (Section Edit the channel
plan parameters if needed, and save the plan into the memory.

4.4.3 Data log manager General information
The Data log manager enables you to measure parameters of the TV channels within a
channel plan, then to check the network parameters against the selected plan limits, and
save the results into memory. This function allows you to view the measurement results
and the errors in different parameters, download the data onto your PC for further
processing and report preparation. Data log pages
icon in the Data manager menu refers to this mode. This mode allows you to
perform with data log pages such operations as viewing, deleting and creating of a new
page. The screen view is represented in the Figure 4.4.5 and Figure 4.4.6.
Figure 4.4.5
On the screen you will see the following data:
1 – table header line
2 – selected line
3 – command line with commands activated by F1, F2 and F3 functional keys
4 – scroll bar
The top row of the table (position 1) divides the table into columns. The first column
represents the page numbers form 1 to 130. The second column is the page name. The
third column is the result of check against the plan limits (no icon – page not measured
- no errors,
names, which are related to data log pages. The bottom line (position 3) contains the list of
commands that can be activated by the functional keys. Press ◄ and ► arrows to switch
between the views of the screen. (Figure 4.4.5 & 4.4.6) Press
required page. The selection will be framed (position 2).
The list of available commands:
a) F1 key to view, update and check against the limit plans the selected page;
b) F2 key to delete the selected page or clear all the page;
c) F3 key to create a new data log page. Data log pages operation
To view a data log page, press F1 or
(Figures 4.4.7, 4.4.8 or 4.4.9).
- some errors). Figure 4.4.6 represents the list of the channel plan
Figure 4.4.6
. Page data table will appear on the screen
keys to select the


Table of Contents

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