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JEOL JEM1400 Operation page 10

Transmission electron microscope


Record Images with AMT Camera
1. Set Magnification of 4,000x using MAG/CAML knob (right console)
2. Centre the beam, use the SHIFT knobs, X and Y, on the left and right consoles. It may
help condense the beam before doing this (BRIGHTNESS knob).
3. Using the BRIGHTNESS knob (left console), spread CW the beam until it reaches the
edges of the fluorescent screen
4. Replace the cover for viewing fluorescent screen in the microscope. When you have done
that you can work with the lights on in the room.
5. Press 'F1' button (right console), fluorescent screen will raise.
6. Open AMT camera program (AMT Capture Engine icon on AMT computer screen)
7. Press 'Click for Live Image' in the top right corner in the program's window. Now the
beam will be viewed by the camera.
8. Adjust brightness with 'BRIGHTNESS' knob (left console) until the histogram (left side in
the program's window) move to the centre.
9. Continue working, change magnification, move on the sample and change brightness
with the EM controls mentioned above.
10. To take a picture click 'Click for Final Image' button (top left corner) and save it in Menu -
> File -> Save As.
11. In the opened 'Safe image' window click 'Save with caption'. You can add some extra
information about the image. If applicable:
Line1 Block number and BoxName_SlotNumber
Line2 Region of interest (ROI)
12. Save your images on drive D, folder 'Images'. Save in the following manner:
Initial folder is user name (LastName_FirstName).
The date (YEAR-MONTH in numerical format XXXX-XX) should be included in a subfolder
name. Project or sample name may also be included.
13. Saving images using 'Case' mode. Can be very convenient for taking many images of the
same sample, the number of each image will be saved automatically and incremented.
 Create a new case or use an existing one. Go to Menu -> File -> Case Study Create Or
 Choose folder – navigate to drive D -> folder 'Images' -> your initial folder
(LastName_FirstName) -> YEAR-MONTH in numerical format XXXX-XX folder
 Type Case name in the following format:
Block number + region of interest (ROI)
 Click OK
 Every time you want to take image click 'Case' button on the left side of the AMT
camera program and in the next opened 'Safe image' window click 'Save with
caption'. You can add some extra information about the image.
Line1 Block number and BoxName_SlotNumber
Line2 Region of interest (ROI)
14. If you want to copy images to flash drive, CHECK THE FLASH DRIVE FOR VIRUSES ON
ANOTHER COMPUTER and only after that plug it into AMT computer.
EM Suite 15/11/2016
P a g e
10 | 14

