Low Voltage Ride Through (Lvrt); High Voltage Ride Through (Hvrt) - Sungrow SG2500HV-30 System Manual

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System Manual

10.4 Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT)

Technical Requirements for Connecting Photovoltaic Power Station to Power System
requires medium-and-large PV plant should be equipped with Low Voltage Ride
Through (LVRT) ability.
LVRT requires: PV plant can operate normally within certain voltage drop range and
duration when the voltage of the grid-connected point drops due to the power system
failure or disturbance; PV plant can provide the dynamic reactive power support during
the period.
A A c c t t i i v v e e P P o o w w e e r r R R e e c c o o v v e e r r y y
If the power station still connects to the grid during power system failure, the active
power will recover on the moment the fault is removed at the speed of at least 30% of
nominal power/second.
D D y y n n a a m m i i c c R R e e a a c c t t i i v v e e C C u u r r r r e e n n t t S S u u p p p p o o r r t t
During LVRT, power station should feed reactive current to the power system as per
requirements. For a station whose 500kV or 750kV voltage is stepped up from the
220kV or 330kV voltage and then connects to the power station group, it should feed
reactive current to the grid when a short-circuit occurs and the voltage drops.
Z Z e e r r o o V V o o l l t t a a g g e e R R i i d d e e T T h h r r o o u u g g h h
When the grid-connection point voltage drops to zero, the power station can operate
normally for 1 second.
is the grid-connection point voltage; Upu is the grid-connection point nominal voltage.
Note: T1, T2, U1, and U2 are all settable parameters.
Sungrow's inverter meets the abovementioned requirements.

10.5 High Voltage Ride Through (HVRT)

Technical Requirements for Connecting Photovoltaic Power Station to Power System
requires that the PV plant can operate as required within certain voltage range.
f f i i g g u u r r e e 1 1 0 0 - - 1 1 Low voltage withstand requirements
10 Main Functions

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