Table of Contents


File / Load encryption table
This command loads the data from binary file from disk and it saves them into the part of
memory, reserved for an encryption (security) table.
File / Save encryption table
This command writes the content of the memory's part, reserved for an encryption table, into
the file on the disk as a binary data.
File / Exit without save
The command deallocates heap, cancels buffer on disk (if exists) and returns back to the
operation system.
File / Exit and save
The command deallocates heap, cancels buffer on the disk (if exists), saves current setting of
recently selected devices to disk and returns back to the operation system.


Menu Buffer is used for buffer manipulation, block operation, filling a part of buffer with string,
erasing, checksum and of course editing and viewing with other items (find and replace
string, printing...).
Buffer / View/Edit
This dialog is used to view (view mode) or edit (edit mode) data in buffer. Use arrow keys for
select data for edit. The data in buffer outside of area where are located data for the selected
chip are shown using gray background.
You can use <F4> hot key also.
View/Edit Buffer
This dialog is used to view (view mode) or edit (edit mode) data in buffer. Use arrow keys for
select data for edit. The data in buffer outside of area where are located data for the selected
chip are shown using gray background.
Following commands are available for editing buffer data. Please note, that not all commands
are available for all situations. It depends on selected device and buffer(s) used for device.
display help of actual window
fill block causes filling selected block of buffer by requested hex (or ASCII)
string. Sets start and end block for filling and requested hex or ASCII string.
erase buffer with specified blank value
fill buffer with random data
save buffer data to binary file. This command is available for secondary
buffers only. Secondary buffers are special areas used for some devices,
for example Data EEPROM for Microchip PICmicro devices. Commands
for Load/Save data to/from Main buffer are available in main menu "File"
and also by buttons Load, Save in main application window.


Table of Contents

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