Sr860 Command List - Stanford Research Systems SR860 Operation Manual

Dsp lock-in amplifier
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SR860 Command List

Reference Commands
TBMODE(?) { AUTO | INternal | i }
PHAS(?) { p } { UDEG | MDEG | DEG | URAD | MRAD | RAD }
FREQ(?) { f } { HZ | KHZ | MHZ }
FREQINT(?) { f } { HZ | KHZ | MHZ }
HARM(?) { i }
HARMDUAL(?) { i }
BLADESLOTS(?) {SLT6 | SLT30 | i }
SLVL(?) { v } { NV | UV | MV | V }
SOFF(?) { v } { NV | UV | MV | V }
REFM(?) { COMmon | DIFference | i }
RSRC(?) { INT | EXT | DUAL | CHOP | i }
RTRG(?) { SIN | POSttl | NEGttl | i }
REFZ(?) { 50ohms | 1Meg | i }
PSTF(?) [ j ] { , f { HZ | KHZ | MHZ } }
PSTA(?) [ j ] { , v { NV | UV | MV | V } }
PSTL(?) [ j ] { , v { NV | UV | MV | V } }
Signal Commands
IVMD(?) { VOLTage | CURRent | i }
ISRC(?) { A | A−B | i }
ICPL(?) { AC | DC | i }
IGND(?) { FLOat | GROund | i }
IRNG(?) { 1Volt | 300Mvolt | 100Mvolt | 30Mvolt | 10Mvolt | i }
ICUR(?) { 1MEG | 100MEG | i }
SCAL(?) { i }
OFLT(?) { i }
OFSL(?) { i }
SYNC(?) { OFF | ON | i }
ADVFILT(?) { OFF | ON | i }
SR860 DSP Lock-in Amplifier
page description
106 Set the 10 MHz timebase
106 Query the current 10 MHz timebase ext (0) or int (1)
106 Set the reference phase to p
106 Auto Phase
106 Set the reference frequency to f
107 Set the internal reference frequency to f
107 Query the external reference frequency
107 Query the detection frequency
107 Set harmonic detect to i
107 Set harmonic for dual reference mode to i
108 Set the chopper blade number of slots
108 Set the chopper blade phase to p
108 Set sine output amplitude to v
108 Set sine output dc level to v
109 Set sine output dc mode
109 Set reference mode
109 Set external reference trigger
109 Set external reference input impedance
110 Set frequency preset j to f
110 Set sine amplitude preset j to v
110 Set sine dc level preset j to v
page description
111 Set input to voltage/current
111 Set voltage input configuration
111 Set voltage input coupling
111 Set voltage input shield grounding
111 Set voltage input range
112 Set current input gain
112 Query the signal strength low to overload (0–4)
112 Set sensitivity from 1V (0) to 1 nV (27)
113 Set time constant from 1 μs (0) to 30 ks (21)
113 Set filter slope from 6 dB (0) to 24 dB (3)
113 Turn synchronous filter off/on
113 Turn advanced filtering off/on
113 Query the equivalent noise bandwidth


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