Nice BiDi-Shutter Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use page 8

Interior bidirectional interface for tubular motor
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To select the stopping action, proceed as described below.
Table A15 - Setting wired pushbutton
01. Press and hold the programming pushbutton (fig. 1).
02. Release the programming pushbutton (fig. 1) when the LED illuminates with violet color (6th position).
03. Press the pushbutton the number of times corresponding to the required command (1 = press both push-
buttons together to stop the motor*, 2 = press the pushbutton for the same direction to stop the motor, 3
= press the pushbutton for the opposite direction to stop the motor, 4 = pushbuttons work as Hold to run).
04. Check that the LED emits the number of violet flashes corresponding to the required command.
05. The programming procedure concludes automatically.
* If the 1st partial position is already programmed, the S1 and S2 keys together action cannot be used for stopping. Pressing S1 and S2 at the
same time might not be possible for some types of pushbuttons/switches.
5.5 - Venetian blinds
The BiDi-Shutter control unit enables the control of slats for Venetian blinds. When the Venetian blinds control is enabled, pressing s/S1 or t/
S2 will move the slats by 20% and the normal Up and Down maneuvers must be performed by pressing and holding the corresponding keys.
For the function to work properly, time of full slats movement must be adjusted. By default, the Venetian blinds function is disabled and full
movement time is set to 1.5s.
To enable or disable the Venetian blinds control and set the slats movement time, proceed as described below.
Table A16 - Setting Venetian blinds behavior
01. Press and hold the programming pushbutton (fig. 1).
02. Release the programming pushbutton (fig. 1) when the LED illuminates with cyan color (7th position).
03. Press key s (or first channel) of the transmitter toggle the setting, the LED informs about current setting:
Fixed cyan – Venetian blinds control enabled
Turned off – Venetian blinds control disabled
04. Press the pushbutton the number of times corresponding to the required time (1 = 250ms, 2 = 500ms,
3 = 750ms, 4 = 1s, 5 =1.25s, 6 = 1.5s, 7 = 1.75s, 8 = 2s, 9 = 2.25s, 10 = 2.5s, 11 = 2.75s, 12 = 3s).
05. Check that the LED emits the number of cyan flashes corresponding to the required time.
06. After 10 seconds that the device doesn't receive any signal, the programming procedure concludes auto-
5.6 - Climatic sensors
The control unit supports Nice radio mono and bidirectional climatic sensors. Memorisation of a climatic sensor must be carried out like that of
a normal transmitter (follow procedure in table A3). Thresholds for commands must be programmed on the climatic sensor.
Commands connected to Wind are given priority, followed by the sun and rain. Reactions to sun/rain can be turned on/off using the button Sun
ON/OFF (by default the reactions are turned on). Please refer to the manual of the climatic sensor for further details.
Table A17 - Response to climatic commands
Sun ON
Go to Down position
Go to Up position
Rain ON
Go to Down position
Rain OFF
Go to Up position
Wind ON
Go to Up position (can be changed according to table A17)
Go to Down position
Motor blocked if Venetian blinds control enabled
Wind OFF
Unblock the motor control


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