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Model Airways Fokker Eindecker E-IV Instruction Manual page 49


Dry fit the Cylinders and clean the Cylinder seats of any burrs and check the bottom of the Cylinders
and if necessary file to flat to fit. The Cylinders must fit flat and straight up with the spark plugs pointing
to the rear. See pictures above. Once fitted, glue Cylinders in place and allow the glue to set.
Drill 1/32" holes in all the posts on both the Cam Cover and the Igniter. The Cam Cover posts will
receive the 1/32" Pushrods and the Igniter .020" Copper Wire. See the picture above.
Paint the Cam Cover posts Brass and the Igniter posts Copper and do not paint shut the holes and
allow to dry.
Once the paint is dry on the Cam Cover posts glue it in place in the recess on the Front Cover. Insert
a 1/8" drill bit to align the Cam Cover with the 5/32" Brass Sleeve in the Crankcase. Align the
rearward posts with the centerline of forward Cylinders; this is necessary for the correct positioning of
the Pushrods. See the pictures on the next page.

