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Model Airways Fokker Eindecker E-IV Instruction Manual page 30


Then add the P.E. Labels to the right of the Fuel System Cocks. File sand smooth and polish half
round the end of the Acrylic Rod and cut to a 1/4" length and glue into the Oil Pulsator. Form a short
length of Copper Wire into the configuration seen in the picture below. One end inserts into the Air
Pressure Gauge then a loop and around the edge of the Dashboard into the T connection on the
back as seen in the picture below.
Once the glue has set on the front Dashboard components drill clean the holes on the back for Copper
Wire Connections. Add the T connection to the right Fuel System Cock inserting it into the location
hole and end of formed Copper Line and a 1/16" x 5/16" Brass Tube to the left Fuel System Cock
making sure all connection holes are clean or drilled 1/32". Note the slight angle of the T Connection.
Glue the Dashboard in place. The Dashboard is located in the upper right of the cockpit area with the
upper left corner glued to the Spent Ammo Can and the right upper corner to the angle socket on the
Fuselage stringer as seen the picture above.
Now glue the two (2) cast metal Connectors to the Main Tank and allow the glue to set. See the
picture above and the plan sheet. Form the two Copper Lines from the Main Tank to the Dashboard.
One Line is an Air Line and the other a Fuel Line form them starting at the Connections on the Main
Tank and bent towards the Fuselage Stringer to the Dashboard; the Air Line will bend down and
back up to connect into the lower connection on the T Connector. The Fuel Line will continue past
behind the Dashboard and bend down and up to connect into the center of the Left Fuel System

