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Model Airways Fokker Eindecker E-IV Instruction Manual page 12


Dry fit and adjust as necessary the Tail Skid Frame to the Fuselage with the front leg of the Tail Skid
Frame indexed on the Stringer joint at Station #7 and the front edge of the rear leg of the Tail Skid
Frame 1/2" from the end of the Fuselage. Check the plans to verify the location. Use a 3/32" x 2 -7/8""
brass rod (for landing gear) to align the Tail Skid Frame on center and plumb vertically. This alignment
is important so that the Rudder will be vertical and centered. Once satisfied with adjustment and fit glue
the Tail Skid Frame in place with the 3/32" x 2-7/8" brass rod in place to check for alignment needed.
See the picture above.
Locate the Photo Etched Sheet of parts and carefully remove the Wind Baffle part by cutting the
connecting tabs. Mix the white primer with a touch of English Oak to have an off White color replicating
the look of canvas. The primer mix will result in a matte finish. Paint both sides of the Wind Baffle
thinning the primer mix with water for a smooth finish as seen in the pictures below. If the perimeter
holes are filled with paint use a pin to open the hole. Once dry, insert the Wind Baffle into the
Fuselage at station #2 forward of the Main Gas Tank. Use the gray thread to align and hold the top
center in place against the curved frame member using the top five (5) holes. See picture below. Now
using the Black thread lash the Wind Baffle in place and starting at the right side center bottom lash
around the Frames holding the Wind Baffle in place to the Frames. Add thin CA to the end of the
Black thread and cut at an angle to form a needle like end; this will help in threading through the holes.
When completely around to the bottom left center then seize the end of the thread with glue and trim off
the excess.

