German Regulations On Assistive Technology (Hilfsmittelverordnung, Hmv No.); Definition Of Auxiliary Equipment (Incomplete Excerpt) - Paravan PR Biolution User Manual

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4.2.3 German regulations on assistive technology (Hilfsmittelverordnung, HMV no.)

The Biolution standing wheelchairs are approved in accordance with the assistive technology guidelines:
Kassenarztrecht in Nordwürttemberg – Richtlinien und Normen und Verordnungen und Leistungen (Panel
doctors law in Northern Württemberg - guidelines and standards and regulations and services), page B
2 - 1 ff
As auxiliary equipment permitted under the German regulations on assistive technology number:
HMV no.

4.2.4 Definition of auxiliary equipment (incomplete excerpt)

Auxiliary devices are physical medical services i.e. things which succeed in making medical treatment safe
by their compensatory, supportive or relieving effect, or which allow physical hindrances to be overcome.
They include prostheses, orthopaedic and other auxiliary equipment, visual aids, physical tools or technical
Performance description


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