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Danfoss AK-CS On Board Manual page 10


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From the tools menu select 'Download Application Code (.csi file)'
A dialogue box will appear prompting for the location of the new (.csi) software file. navigate to the correct file and click oK. this
will load the software in the AK-cs memory, step 3 will then overwrite the original code, thus updating the AK-cs.
ensure that the AK-cs remains connected and is not interrupted with power loss. Failure to do
so may corrupt the installation of database and software.
After successful file transfer a dialogue box will ask to overwrite the application code. select Yes to update the AK-cs. A second
dialogue box appears asking for confirmation as to what .csi file to overwrite (typically there will only be one). once Yes is selected
a progress bar shows the new software being updated.
the AK-cs will display a message (loading application code) at the bottom of the screen that reflects the update process. the final
stage is to reset the unit. this is done by pressing the oK button in the final dialogue box. the AK-cs will reset running with the
newly loaded software.
if upgrading AK-cs software on site, consider the use of the UsB flash drive option. software (.csi file) can
be loaded via the UsB drive & is typically faster in loading.
With the new AK-cs application code installed on the UsB drive, insert the drive and select option 1 from
the resulting pop up box (load Application
save / load AK-cs database
All the values and commissioning settings are held in the AK-cs database. As a means of backup it is possible to remotely save this
database using rMt. the following example highlights the process to remotely save an AK-cs database.
1/ log on to AK-cs and navigate to the tools menu. select 'Save Database to PC (Upload)'
2/ Making sure the User name and Password are correctly assigned. enter a name for the saved database file (the file extension .s55
must be used). enter a description for the file, this (description) will be displayed when later downloading a database file. Point the
rMt to the location on the Pc where the file will be saved and click the oK button.
3/ the database will now be saved on the Pc.
4/ Use the 'Load Database to AK-CS (Download)' function (located under the tools menu) to subsequently load any database.
User Guide
Depending on the speed of the iP connection this file
load may take some time. During this transfer the AK-cs
continues to operate normally.
enter a file name, followed by the .s55 extension
Point to the (Pc) directory which the file will be
saved to
Usco.ei.rF0.A3.22.001 / 521U0146
lit. no.

