Section 2 - Operating Instructions; Sample Preparation For Wettability Test; Model 3065 Wettability Test Procedure - Ametek Chandler Engineering 3065 Instruction Manual

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Section 2 – Operating Instructions

Sample Preparation for Wettability Test

1. Prepare a mud sample according to instructions from the supplier. Laboratory-prepared
mud samples may require additional preparation such as static aging or hot rolling to more
fully simulate field mud properties.
2. Mix the spacers and/or pre-flush fluids to be evaluated according to manufacturer's
procedures. A 500 ml sample is normally sufficient to run a single test.
3. Condition all spacer fluids at BHCT (Bottom Hole Circulating Temperature) to ensure
that fluids are stable and all chemicals have been conditioned and are in solution.
Condition fluids under pressure using high-temperature / high-pressure equipment if
conditioning at temperatures above 194
C) before releasing pressure. The Model 3065 Wettability Tester has been designed
for use at atmospheric pressure. Test temperature should not exceed 194

Model 3065 Wettability Test Procedure

Note: The span should be adjusted with the spacer fluid being tested before each test
(steps 1-7).
1. Turn Master switch to the On position.
2. Turn Heater switch to the On position.
3. Set the desired temperature using the temperature controller.
4. Preheat cup to desired test temperature.
5. When the water reaches the desired temperature, pour it out and place enough pre-heated
spacer in the cup to reach 1" above the electrodes.
6. With the mixer set in VAR position and the Auto/Manual switch in Manual position, set
the mixer to stir the spacer at a moderate speed (~1000 RPM).
7. Adjust the span to 1.0 (or desired reading for test).
8. Turn off heat to the test cup.
9. Remove the spacer fluid, clean and dry cup and return to base. The meter should read 0.
10. Refill the cup with hot water and stabilize the temperature again before proceeding to the
actual test.
11. When temperature is stabilized, pour out water. Replace immediately with pre-heated
drilling fluid (400mls recommended) in the test cup.
12. Stir at constant rpm (1000 rpm recommended).
13. Add pre-heated spacer at defined intervals until the target reading is obtained (the target
reading is the reading the span was adjusted to in step 7). Monitor fluid temperature with
a thermometer.
14. Record amount of spacer added.
15. Report results as volume percentage of spacer in the mud-spacer mix (see equation below)
that exhibits conductivity measurements indicative of maximum water wetting. (i.e.
maximum water wetting is achieved when the target reading obtained equals the reading
the span was set to at the onset of the test.)
Volume % Spacer = (Total volume of spacer / (Total volume of drilling fluid + spacer)) *100
F (90
C). Fluids should be cooled below 194
F (90


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