Target Temperatures; Cooling Ramps; Hold Time; Indefinite Hold Times - Orton AutoFire AF4TS User Manual

Slide kiln controller
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AutoFire Slide Kiln Controller
Caution: Overshoot in temperature may occur when heating at full power, especially at lower temperatures.

Target Temperatures

Each ramp step requires you to program the desired target temperature.
Caution: Do not program target temperatures that exceed the temperature rating for your kiln. The maximum
programmable value for target temperatures can be viewed on the About screen 'Safety Temp' setting.

Cooling Ramps

Cooling ramps are programmed the same as heating ramps. You must program the Rate for the cooling and the
target temperature. The criteria for a cooling ramp is the target temperature must be lower than the preceding target
If you program a target temperature at the end of the firing that is below your room temperature, the controller will
never be able to complete the firing. This may result in a 'Firing Stalled' alarm. To avoid this alarm, manually
stop the firing by pressing the STOP button or program a higher temperature to complete the firing.

Hold Time

Hold time refers to the amount of time you want the kiln to remain at the target
temperature. Hold Time is often referred to as Soak or Dwell Time. Each ramp allows the
option of programming a hold time. Hold time is programmed in Hours and Minutes.
During a Hold time, the controller will count-down the remaining time of the Hold on the
Home screen above the main temperature display.
Touch any active field in the table to program a value. Use the keypad to type a value and
SAVE. The value will appear in the program table.

Indefinite Hold Times

Programming a hold time value of 99 hours 59 minutes will result in a Hold time that is indefinite. To end the hold,
the operator must press STOP or use the SKIP feature to move forward to the next program ramp.

Review or Edit a USER Program

The operator can edit the active program while the firing is in process. During the active firing, use the Slide
button to select Program. On the USER SETUP screen, edit the parameters that are active as needed. Some
parameters are not available for editing.
Press the UPDATE button to return to the HOME screen.
Note: When locked, program parameters cannot be changed.

User Program Vent Fan (Optional)

If your controller has been configured to control an auxiliary vent fan, each ramp step will allow the fan to be


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