User Program Number; Program Name; Rate; Maximum Ramp Rates - Orton AutoFire AF4TS User Manual

Slide kiln controller
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User Program Number

Select a program number from 1 to 35. The Default Firing Program is Program #1.

Program Name

Touch the name field and a pop-up window appears with keypad. Use the keypad to type a
program name and SAVE. The program name will appear on the Home screen when the
program is loaded.
Special keys on the keypad include;
Key [SP] provides a space for the entry.
Key [BK ]is a Back key to back up one character.
Key [CLR] is a Clear key to clear the entire entry.
Table Entries
Touch any active field in the table to program a value. Use the pop-up keypad to type a value
and SAVE.
The value will appear in the program table.


Each program step requires you to program the desired ramp rate.
Rate is the speed of the ramp step. Rate is programmed as Degrees per Hour if the RATE option is set to HOUR.
Some calculations may be required to determine your desired heating rate.
Example; if you know that you want to heat the kiln from room temperature (75°F) to 212°F over a 2 hour period,
First determine the amount of temperature rise:
Then divide the amount of temperature rise (or drop) by the number of hours you would like it to take to get there.
(For Example, 2 hours)
Round the calculated rate to the nearest whole number and your heating rate would be 69 degrees/hour.
If you prefer to program heating and cooling rates in 'degrees per minute', adjust the RATE option in the options
menu to MIN.
If you prefer to program heating and cooling rates in 'Hours and Minutes', adjust the RATE option in the option
menu to TIME.

Maximum Ramp Rates

When the Ramp Rate is set above 1798F(998C)
00.00 Time
, the controller will interpret this as full power for a heating ramp. This will allow the kiln to heat as
fast as possible to the target temperature without rate control. If the ramp is a cooling, the controller will interpret
the same values as no power and allow the kiln to cool as fast as possible without rate control.
A Program Review will show the message MAX to indicate the uncontrolled rate. Deviation alarms will not be
active during the max heating/cooling ramp.
AutoFire Slide Kiln Controller
212 - 75
137 degrees
137 / / / / 2
68.5 degrees per hour
degrees per hour or
degrees per minute or


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