Introduction; Commands; Power-On Configuration; Buffers - Stanford Research Systems SIM984 Operation And Service Manual

Isolation amplifier
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2.3 Introduction

2.3.1 Power-on configuration
2.3.2 Buffers

2.3.3 Device Clear

2.4 Commands

Remote operation of the SIM984 is through a simple command lan-
guage documented in this chapter. Both set and query forms of
most commands are supported, allowing the user complete control
of the isolation amplifier from a remote computer, either through the
SIM900 Mainframe or directly via RS-232 (see Section
The settings for the remote interface are 9600 baud with no parity
and no flow control, and local echo disabled (CONS OFF).
Most of the SIM984 instrument settings are stored in non-volatile
memory, and at power-on the instrument returns to the state it was
last in when power was removed. Exceptions are noted in the com-
mand descriptions.
Reset values of parameters are shown in boldface.
Incoming data from the host interface is stored in a 32-byte input
buffer. Characters accumulate in the input buffer until a command
terminator (either CR or LF ) is received, at which point the mes-
sage is parsed and executed. Query responses from the SIM984 are
buffered in a 32-byte output queue.
If the input buffer overflows, then all data in both the input buffer
and the output queue are discarded, and an error is recorded in the
CESR and ESR status registers.
The SIM984 host interface can be asynchronously reset to its power-
on configuration by sending an RS-232-style break signal. From
the SIM900 Mainframe, this is accomplished with the SIM900 SRST
command; if directly interfacing via RS-232, then use a serial break
signal. After receiving the Device Clear, the interface is reset and
CONS mode is turned OFF. Note that this only resets the communi-
cation interface; the basic function of the SIM984 is left unchanged;
to reset the instrument, see *RST.
This section provides syntax and operational descriptions for reo-
mote commands.
Remote Operation
SIM984 Isolation Amplifier

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