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Buick 40 Series 1948 Shop Manual page 348


3a. On 1949
screws which attach breaker plate assembly to
housing and lift assembly out of housing. Do
not disassemble until inspection (subpar.
4. Remove the advance weight springs, cam
and advance weights. On 1949 Model distribu-
tor, the cam and weights are retained by a
plate which must be removed. See figure 10-87.
Cleaning and Inspection of Distributor
Wash all parts except the condenser,
leads, rotor, cap, and 1949 model breaker plate
assembly in clean kerosene or other solvent and
dry thoroughly. Hold housing horizontal while
washing interior to avoid getting cleaning solu-
tion into the shaft lubricant reservoir.
2. Inspect contact points for excessive wear,
pitting and burning.
the condenser if a reliable conden-
ser tester is available (par. 10-50).
4. Inspect ground and terminal connector
leads for oil soaked or damaged insulation,
broken strands, or loose
5. Inspect cam for excessive wear of cam
6. On 1948 Model distributor, inspect hous-
ing for wear or brinnelling in breaker plate ball
bearing track. Inspect breaker plate for wear
or brinnelling in ball bearing seats.
7. Inspect shaft for excessive looseness in
bushings in distributor housing. Inspect dis-
tributor gear for wear or scoring of teeth.
Check end play of shaft with feeler gauges;
end play should not exceed .007".
Figure 10-8S-Checking Tension on Base Plate-1949 Model
8. On 1949 Model breaker plate assembly,
inspect for looseness which would permit tip-
ping or rattling of the base plate which sup-
ports the contact points. Attach a scale and
check the pull required to move the base plate
on the support plate. See figure 10-85. The pull
should be not less than 11 ounces nor more
than 18 ounces.
Adjust the tension on base plate to obtain
11-18 ounce pull, if necessary, by adding
one or more shim washers on base plate post
between the stop and spring washers. Make
sure that enough retainer washers are installed
at center bearing to take up end play without
causing binding. See figure 10-86.
this ad-
justment fails to correct looseness and tipping of
base plate, replace the breaker plate assembly.
9. Normally it is unnecessary to disassemble
the 1949 model breaker plate assembly.
be disassembled, however, by removing the stop
washer from post and retainer washers from
center bearing of base plate. See figure 10-86.
When assembling the breaker plate, saturate
the felt washer with lOW engine oil, then in-
stall base plate on support plate. Place the small
side spring in recess in support plate so that
the two points will be between the ends of re-
tainer washers when installed. Use one or two
retainer washers as required to take up end
play yet allow free movement of base plate.
Place fibre, spring, shim and stop washers on
post in order named, using shim washers as
required to provide a tension or pull of 11-18
ounces as explained in Step 8 above.
10. Replace all distributor parts that are
not in good condition.
the gear, shaft, or
housing requires replacement, proceed with
subparagraph d; otherwise proceed with sub-
paragraph e.
d. Replacement of Distributor Gear, Shaft,
or Housing
Remove flathead screw and spring from
housing to relieve pressure on the felt plug
which bears against distributor shaft.
2. Grind or file off the peened-over head
of gear pin and drive pin out.
3. Remove gear, shim washer and thrust
washer from shaft, then remove shaft and plate
assembly and thrust washer from housing.
4. When shaft and plate assembly is in-
stalled in housing place one thrust washer be-
tween weight plate and housing. A shaft shim
washer of proper thickness must be placed be-
tween the lower thrust washer and gear to pro-
vide .002" to .007" end play in shaft when gear
is installed. Shim washers are furnished in
.005" and 010"

