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Buick 40 Series 1948 Shop Manual page 254


b. Maintaining Fluid Level
The fluid level must be maintained at speci-
fied level in master cylinder reservoir at all
times. Low fluid level may permit air to be
pumped into the hydraulic system, which will
necessitate a bleeding operation and may pos-
sibly result in failure of service brakes. Check-
ing fluid level every 1000 miles is included in
Periodic Lubricare Instructions (par. 1-1). In-
structions for filling master cylinder are given
in paragraph 8-8.
c. Brake Shoe Inspection and Adjustment
Brakes should be promptly adjusted or other-
wise corrected whenever the action becomes
unduly severe, erratic. or uneven. Prompt at-
tention will prevent damage to brake linings or
other parts.
For average driving conditions, brakes should
be adjusted for wear whenever the brake pedal
pad goes to within 2" of
car is
habitually driven at high speed,
owever , ad
justment should be made when pedal pad goes
to within 3" of
This extra travel is
necessary because heat generated on high speed
stops expands the brake drums, causing the
pedal to travel closer to the toeboard.
Brake shoe linings should not be permitted
to wear down until rivet heads contact drums
because drums will be scored, necessitating re-
boring of drums and installation of oversize
lining. As car mileage approaches the point at
which relining may be required, it is advisable
to remove a front and rear brake drum so that
lining can be inspected for wear, to avoid the
possibility of damage to drums.
d. Periodic Flushing of Hydraulic System
It is recommended that the entire hydraulic
system be
flushed and new fluid in-
stalled every 15,000 miles, or
whenever new
parts are installed in hydraulic system, or
shoes or linings are
For flushing pro-
cedure see paragraph 8-10

