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Buick 40 Series 1948 Shop Manual page 127


Loosely install valve screws and align the valves
carefully with the scribe marks previously made
along edges of valve stem.
With valves held in closed position, hold
throttle body to the light and check for even
clearance between each valve and the barrel.
See figure 3-87.
clearance is excessive at any
point, shift valve in stem until it fits the barrel
with the least amount of light showing around
the edge, then tighten screws firmly.
2. Install new taper drive plugs in throttle
body at upper idle discharge holes, if old plugs
were removed. Install spring and idle needle
valves. Seat needle valves lightly with fingers,
then turn each valve out exactly 1
turns off
seat. Do not use a screwdriver or otherwise
force a needle valve against its seat; this wiIl
score the valve and ruin it for service.
Figure 3-88-lnstalling Lead Ball Plugs
3. Install.lead ball plugs in main body, using
Plug Set T-25053. See figure 3-97.
4. Install pump inlet check valve. See figure
Figure 3-B9-Auembllng Screen in Installer T-25097
5. Using .Screen
T-25097, install
pump inlet strainer as follows:
(a) Place inlet strainer over the rounded end
of pin in Installer T-25097. See figure 3-89,
view A.
(b) Insert the strainer into tube of InstaIler
T-25097. See figure 3-89, view B.
Figure 3-90-lnstalling Strainer in Main Body
(c) Remove the pin and place tube in the
main body, then use reverse end of the pin to
slide strainer into place in body. See figure 3-90.
(d) Install check valve plug. Use a new cop-
per gasket if available; otherwise, make sure
that plug and seat are clean to insure tight joint.
6. Place new gasket on main body. Insert
long ends of reducer wires in idle channels in
throttle body, and guide short ends of wires
into idle channels in main body as bodies are
assembled together. Install screws with lock
Figure 3-91-Location of Main Discharge Jet Gasket
7. Place new lead gaskets over beveled ends
of main discharge jets. Use tool T-24967 to in-
stall jets in main body, being careful to position
jets so that flat surface is paraIlel with the di-

