Fantech VLT 2800 Series Instruction Manual page 61

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Precise stop, inverse is selected to obtain a high
degree of accuracy when a stop command is repeated.
A logic 0 means that the motor speed is ramped
down to stop via the selected ramp.
Precise start/stop is selected to obtain a high degree of
accuracy when a start and stop command is repeated.
Pulse reference is selected if the reference
signal applied is a pulse train (frequency). 0 Hz
corresponds to parameter 204 Minimum reference,
. The frequency set in parameter 327 Pulse
reference/feedback corresponds to parameter
205 Maximum reference Ref
Pulse feedback is selected if the feedback signal
used is a pulse train (frequency). In parameter
327 Pulse reference/feedback the maximum
pulse feedback frequency is set.
Pulse input is selected if a specific number of pulses
must lead to a Precise stop, see parameter 343
Precise stop and parameter 344 Counter value.
Selection of Setup, lsb and Selection of Setup,
msb gives the possibility to select one of the
four setups. It is, however, a condition that
parameter 004 is set to Multisetup.
Reset and start can be used as a start function. If 24
V are connected to the digital input, this will cause
the variable frequency drive to reset and the motor
will ramp up to the preset reference.
Pulse counter start is used to start a counter stop
sequence with a pulse signal. The pulse width must at
least be 14 ms and not longer than the count period.
See also parameter 343 and the instruction, MI28CXYY.
308 Terminal 53, analog input voltage
(AI [V]53FUNCT.)
No function (NO OPERATION)
Feedback (FEEDBACK)
In this parameter it is possible to select the function
required to be connected to terminal 53. Scaling of the
input signal is made in parameter 309 Terminal 53, min.
scaling and parameter 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling.
= factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
VLT® 2800 Series
Description of choice:
No function [0]. Is selected if the variable frequency
drive is not to react to signals connected to the terminal.
Reference [1]. If this function is selected, the reference
can be changed by means of an analog reference
signal. If reference signals are connected to more than
one input, these reference signals must be added up.
If a voltage feedback signal is connected, select
Feedback [2] on terminal 53.
Terminal 53 Min. scaling
0.0 - 10.0 Volt
This parameter is used for setting the signal value
that is to correspond to the minimum reference or
the minimum feedback, parameter 204 Minimum
reference, Ref
/ 414 Minimum feedback, FB
Description of choice:
Set the required voltage value. For reasons of accuracy,
compensation should be made for voltage loss in long
signal cables. If the Time out function is to be used
(parameter 317 Time out and 318 Function after time
out), the value set must be higher than 1 Volt.
Terminal 53 Max. scaling
0 - 10.0 Volt
This parameter is used for setting the signal value
that is to correspond to the maximum reference value
or maximum feedback, parameter 205 Maximum
reference, Ref
/ 414 Maximum feedback, FB
Description of choice:
Set the required voltage value. For reasons of
accuracy, compensation should be made for
voltage losses in long signal cables.
MG.28.A8.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
0.0 Volt
10.0 Volt


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